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another thrilled WCW suspension customer
Old 06-18-2007, 10:46 PM   #1
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Default another thrilled WCW suspension customer

My dad and I rode up to Ron's on saturday and he fit us in for suspension work. (thanks again for that ron) It was the first ride on my ducati performance gel seat, which made the return ride easier on my body ( 100 miles each way )

A little about my bike....Its a 07 monster S4Rs with the ducati performance kit installed. Ohlins and massive radial brembos.

Before the bike would tip into a corner really easily but would take some effort to get back up and sorted past the apex of the corner. And on the brakes the bike would almost get a little unstable if you got hard on the brakes approaching a corner.

Now the bike is poised and rips through corners. The bike turned as good as it always has but coming out of the corners it was so much easier to pick back up and get the power down. And now it feels like you can can brake like a maniac and the bike doesn't really object anymore like it did. All in all BEST 38 bucks I have ever spent and I now have a completely new found respect for this bike.

it truely is amazing.

Then on the way home at the circle on 31? I think some gotti boy cut me off and almost put me into the conrete median......I rode along side of him and as nice as I could asked him to pull over so we could discuss what happened....But he didn't think that would be wise and drove away...
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Old 06-19-2007, 03:04 AM   #2
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wow. I work with that kid...
He told me he came off the circle in the middle lane. Your dad i guess was in front of him, you were behind or along side of him as he started to change lanes. He JUST got his motorcycle license, passed the MSF course last month and he's becoming more situationally aware. Didn't see you until it was almost too late it seems.

Glad you didnt get hurt. He felt like a dick.
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Old 06-19-2007, 08:13 AM   #3
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Congrats on the suspension setup. I tell everyone i know that the best mod you can get is your suspension. But some people don't listen.

I use to dance like this--> Now I dance like this-->

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Old 06-19-2007, 11:23 AM   #4
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WOW....small freaking world.

The only reason it wasn't worse or resulted in me getting hit was because of the space I left for my dad to get back in front of me...I HAD room to try and escape, but in hindsight I let the fact he came close to me AND my father get to me and LOST it. And really there isn't any excuse for that or the way I acted either.

I always KNEW the ohlins on my bike worked well, but after this I still can't believe HOW well the bike works. Its telepathic almost with what I want the bike to do and what happens.....
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Old 06-19-2007, 06:05 PM   #5
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Dollar vs. performance it's the best mod you can get.

'92 Honda CB747-Cafe'
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Old 06-21-2007, 04:23 PM   #6
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Sorry I don't feel like spending a measley $35 to make my bike easier and more enjoyable to ride.

There's always next month tho...
I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself...
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