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carl_g 04-27-2008 10:26 PM

Anyone here suffering from allergies lately..I have been sneezing my head off lately!:ohmygod:

John712 04-27-2008 10:29 PM

Dude, i been sneezing all day and night, almost wrecked on the ride today to

carl_g 04-27-2008 10:36 PM

I took the blower to my deck today and all the pollen that blew off was insane. My truck looks fucked too.

NYCSTRIPES 04-27-2008 11:24 PM

My allergies have been kicking my ass for about a week now. I was away on a criuse for a week and when I came home last week, I thought I woke up with a cold at first. Then I realized I returned to allergy season in full swing.


nnjhawk02 04-28-2008 07:59 AM

Thank God its raining - wash dat pollen away

Last week was bad - was sneezing in helmet too

landshark 04-28-2008 08:16 AM

Yes, this year has been horrible for my allergies.

Mike295 04-28-2008 08:59 AM

Ugg.. they are killing me.. all i do is sneeze and blow my nose..

SAXON117 04-28-2008 09:21 AM

I used Chlor-Trimetron for years and this year it didn't work anymore so I tried AlegrÃa and it kicks ass!

Mike295 04-28-2008 09:32 AM

i try my hardest to stay away from alergy medicine

causef0rconcern 04-28-2008 12:13 PM

I've been trying my hardest to stay away from it too but there's not much I can do. I'm literally crippled a few weeks of the year without it. Can't see or breathe, and I'm just a generally rotten prick to be around...then again that usually lasts 4 seasons.

The past two weeks I've been awesome, but the first warm week we had I was suffering bad so I used Clarinex-D in combination with two shots of Nasonex in each nostril. Seemed to work ok. Keep in mind I've had allergy shots for a year and a half, with no effect. Even Accupuncture (which was cool but only worked for the hour immidiately following an appointment).

SAXON117 04-28-2008 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by mike295 (Post 85300)
i try my hardest to stay away from alergy medicine

I totally understand, I don't like taking anything for a headache. But its not like you will build an imunity to the alergy, it will only get worse, unless you get shots for it. Working in a place that houses many animals I get trained yearly on alergy provention. SUX

carl_g 04-28-2008 12:44 PM

I like taking the meds after drinking a couple of beers .. at least I can sleep at night.. it knocks me right out! :lol:

tommymac 04-28-2008 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by mike295 (Post 85300)
i try my hardest to stay away from alergy medicine

LMK when you want a script when it gets too bad ;)

Now zyrtec is OTC and thats what I usualy use and write for. Did a good job and didnt make me drowsy.


Cakes206 04-28-2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by ism409 (Post 85317)
I like taking the meds after drinking a couple of beers ..

Best time to go for a ride...takes the edge off :roflmao:

carl_g 04-28-2008 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 85325)
LMK when you want a script when it gets too bad ;)

Now zyrtec is OTC and thats what I usualy use and write for. Did a good job and didnt make me drowsy.


Tom I am all about scripts I had this good one I'll pm you the details later.. it is cheaper to take them compared to buying OTC.

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