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John712 11-19-2009 02:03 AM

Safety wire your safety wire
This here is a DIY (Do It Yourself) guide to safety wire your safety wire.!!!!

You ever have the misfortune of your safety wire cap coming off? Weather you dropped it while using it?
Or it fell over in your trailer when in tow to and from the track, because it wasn't properly secured?

And if it happened to you on your way to the track it is stressful! Bad enough it can get stressful when you have to change your awesomeness DOT Race tires to put on your wet weather tires! But then you have to what??? Swap back to those awesomeness Race DOT tires sooner or later, RIGHT? -- right.

But if you are doing 2 days at the track, and the 2nd day turns out beautiful, I mean the sun is out, birds are chirping, pretty pink roses are out.. honey bees are making honey, or making it with their honey!!! You have to put those Race DOT tires back on. So you get the wrenching, swap the tires, and now you have to safety wire all the shit, caliper bolts, pinch bolts or whatever your heart desires.

You go to your trailer/tool box to get your safety wire tool and safety wire. And all of a sudden BAMM you notice the cap came off and the safety wire is all over the place. Now your trying to roll it back up and stick it back into that round thing-a-ma-ja the safety wire came in, but you cant. So what do you do, you start cutting wire here and there. Now your safety wire looks like a plate of spaghetti, ends all over the place. Now your on the track stressed the fuck out, cant concentrate, your missing your apexes and turning in way to early, your over shooting turn 1, well that can be a few reasons why, after all you can be on a shitting 1k, or like most of you, in a race or not, its ALWAYS a race to turn one. but you just cant get your head straight because of your safety wire is fudged!

Well here it is, just for you, a DIY on how to prevent this mishap.

NOTE:::: If you already did this, good for you, my hats off to you. You don't need to sit there at your cheap ass piece of shit computer and talk your blah blah blah crap, just sit back, relax and have yourself a coke and a smile.

All you need are a few simple tools, nothing major...


1) Safety Gloves
2) Safety goggles

STOP HERE, why do you ask about the safety gloves and safety goggles???

Well shit, listen here asshole.. you are umm, well, dealing with SAFETY wire!! so SAFETY FIRST am I correct!! Last thing you need is for the bit to fly out and catch a eye, or get cut from either the bit or safety wire.


3) Cordless drill or cord drill -------- I really don't give a flying rats ass what you use.

4) Vice to hold the reel of safety wire, remember SAFETY FIRST, you dont wanna slip and drill a hole in your leg or finger but a removable or permanent vice will do--- it does not matter, again I dont give a fuck!

5) New reel of safety wire. ---? Please, you do not need to brag on the gauge of the safety wire, or you found a place that sells it for $1 off. Again, I really dont give a flying fuck.

6) Safety wire tool ---> ok listen up!! No one cares if you have a beautiful bright ass red color, or a soft orange color. If you have anything but the black tool, you either A) suck dick or B) Hold a dick in your mouth for a hour or so.

7) sharpie ---> oh boy, well.... spare the drama for your mamma, No one cares how fat the sharpie is unless its the guy ---> (refer back to the end of #6)

8) Drill bit. ---? Okay, here is where you can brag on the bit you are using. Because that drill bit you are using for this project is probably more then likely the drill bit you used to drill holes in those caliper bolts and pinch bolts,maybe your leg or hand if you didnt follow (#4)


FIRST, and I urge you to do this, put on your safety goggles and safety gloves. If you have a hard hat, by all means, use that too! Look like Bob the Builder for all i care!!!!!!

then take your sharpie and mark 3 spots on the top of the safety wire, id say about 1/8 to 1/4 inch down from the top. I suggest the 3 markings be 12 o'clock, 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

Now put the drill bit into the drill gun, make sure it is in the secured. (refer back to STOP HERE)

Next is, put the safety wire reel into the vice, be careful NOT to tighten it to much, you dont want to crush the god dame thing now do you???

Next is drill holes where you made the markings with the sharpie.

Now take your safety wire tool and some safety wire put it through the holes and safety wire the cap.


After all said and done, you will have the safest safety wire around!!!!! The gods will fall from the skies, umbrella girls will get in line to take pictures with you, and all your friends will be like WOW

The tools needed!!!

The completed job
NOTE the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock holes god dammit!

Now, the reel that was not safety wired!

Good luck, i hope your project goes as smooth as mine did. Most of all, i hope to see you and your safety wire at the track!

Ride safe and god bless!


Ant 11-19-2009 07:36 AM


Cakes206 11-19-2009 08:36 AM

Dude, you're post ever :lol:

ffejtable 11-19-2009 09:39 AM


IrocRob 11-19-2009 11:00 AM


slidewayz 11-19-2009 05:09 PM

only you John.. Only you! :roflmao:

Jimmy 11-19-2009 07:27 PM

High_Revs_17 11-19-2009 08:40 PM

See?...You could've done that to that busted up sidewalk years ago! :lol:

NYCSTRIPES 11-19-2009 09:48 PM

funny stuff

AfricanBootyScratcher 11-25-2009 09:57 PM


FigNewTon 11-29-2009 08:34 PM


duc748pilot 12-07-2009 10:48 AM


liquiddevil2000 12-09-2009 08:19 AM

bout time somebody came up with a good idea on here lol

John712 07-10-2010 10:47 PM

lost my safety wire tool!!!!

SPL170db 07-11-2010 11:57 AM

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