Originally Posted by benellis
I think race control kinda screwed Lanzi on the first race. He did safely return after the turn 1 incident. I think it should have been "no harm, no foul". I'm not particularly a Lanzi fan, but he was done wrong.
there WAS a harm, and there WAS a foul. the section of track Lanzi took is not the same distance as the section of track everyone else took. on top of that, that's why they made the course, so racers would FOLLOW IT, not go wherever they want and arrive at the finish line somehow.
PLUS, racers are penalized even for starting before the lights tell them to. if your wheel leaves the box a split second before it's supposed to, you get a penalty. a stop & go, or a roll-through where you have to maintain a certain low speed, like happened to Lanzi.
that's what rules are for... to make the race fair for everybody.
Lanzi could have come back on the track and blocked another racer's line or even worse, hit him. fortunately, he didn't. Lanzi fucked up, plain and simple and NEEDED to be penalized. he downshifted to first gear accidentally, and blew the lefthander. instead of slowing down and coming back on the track relatively near where he went off, like he SHOULD have done, he chose to keep going and was rightfully penalized.