Point - Nest ride Saturday 11/05/05 *Update*
for all you cluster fucks here is the directions on what to do. Our first meet spot will be on RT 22 UNION hooters (exit 139 of GSP) we will be there at 8:15 kick stands up at 8:30. We will then take the GSP north to the other offical meet spot at yamaha dealership. From there we ride. SIMPLE....please stop posting different shit. PM me your numbers and i'll call you in a few hours.
Opinion, just come we will be riding easy, some (about 3 or 4) will be ahead everyone else will ride nice and smooth...
Cooler i know your comming from south so i pmed you my number, call me and we'll get things situated for you to make things easy...but defenitly come
Soda, pm me yer number so i can call you.
Everyone else knows the deal. meet at the yamaha dealership.
This is simple guys stop makeing this into a pretzel (get it with all the knots in a pretzel..HAR HAR)
maybe 2 of joe's friends
maybe 1 of joel's friends
Kennedy (maybe)
billy (maybe)
Soda (maybe)
I'm waiting for some 600RR.net members to contact me...
Last edited by Rev; 11-04-2005 at 03:44 PM..
Reason: because i'm fucking sexy and i have a pimple on my ass!