I'm up in New Milford CT yesterday helping my sis & bro in law move into their new home. A couple of his buddies come over to help too. After the move we go over to one of his buddy's place for cocktails. After which it was decided to round up the CT gang for some sushi & bowling afterwards (as they are all in the same strip mall).
About 15 of us took over a large table in the restaurant. Gal sitting beside me introduced herself to me as "P", I responded nice to meet you, I'm "G". I always get the sushi/sashimi combo. P wanted the same so we both decided on the sushi/sashimi combo boat for 2 :
All throughout dinner, while chatting; in my head I'm thinking this hot gal looks really familiar but I can't place the face (or body).

After dinner we all head to the bowling alley & bowled until last call around 1am. Drove the 60min ride home in the rain, finally hit the pillow around 2:30am.
This morning my bro in law texts me and asks "do you know who 'P' is?". I say no but she looks familiar. He responds :