The bike was originaly built by Christer in Sweden with dual wastegates (if you look close you'll see three pipes). Hank of Arcane Motorsports purchased it a while ago and has been doing alot of tunning on it for more than a year. With the help of Seb from NLR, Erik of MC-Xpress, and Chris they made it happen! What I find even more amazing is the torque! He made over 387 ft.-lbs.!
btw... the basic turbo kit started as a MC-Xpress kit not a NLR kit.
thanks: Aeromotive/ACL/AIM sport/Tsukigi/AP racing/APE/BDE/Big CC racing/BMC/BoostbySmith/Brembo/Calico/Carbon Lorraine/Carpenter racing/Catalyst composites/Clear alternatives/Cometic/Cosworth/CP/Cycle-tek/Dynojet/Earl's plumbing/EK/FBG/Harris/Hel/Honda/Hyperpro/Innovate/Kickstand racing/Lee Shierts racing/Lindemann Engineering/Machine pro/Magnaflow/Mikuni/NLR/NOS/Pro-bolt/Penske/Puig/R&D/RCC turbos/RCS/RPM racing/SBS/Schnitz racing/Sharkskinz/Spencer cycles/Spiegler/Sprocket specialties/Stedman/The Motorhead/Thermo-Tec/Tiger racing/TTS/Walbro/Yamaha/Yoshimura R&D/World wide bearings/Zukinot