Day or Night?
The other night I was on Rt1 it was past 9pm....I was cruising I usually take a glance on my rear view mirror often just to see whats going on in the rear...well out of nowhere here come this gixxer (of course w/ no gear on shorts, short sleeves, sneakers)....anyways...he totally took me by surprise, he was cutting in and out....when he got passed me this one car up further decided to get over in the left lane and totally cut this dude wasnt the cagers fault it was one of those perfect storms/situation thingy where it was clear at one moment and the next the gixxer came in hard and of course the brakes were locked and cursing, finger pointing ensued....nothing happened since the gixxer was able to gain control...
Had it been daytime I think the car might have seen the bike but at night it is that much more difficult. There is a difference in the way I ride in the day as supposed to the night. At night I feel its more of a risk & most wont see me or me see them (car, object, animals, etc.).
Do you ride differently in the day vs. night?
Do you have a preference riding Day or Night?