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Females Ruin Lives
Old 10-27-2005, 04:46 PM   #1
Cake Cop
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Default Females Ruin Lives

Females Ruin Lives
Have you ever noticed in supermarkets or other public places, mothers scorning their children? Criticising their children, and the mother generally seeming miserable?

I want to tell you of something amazing. How the effect of me stopping dating, transformed my life for the better beyond what I could have imagined possible. I want to give some background first, so here goes on the background:

Some time ago, I started dating. At that time in life, I knew I had great potential to do great things and be great things. I knew all this, but I couldn't see it happening. I saw continual proof that I had this potential, but I could never seem to get this potential to turn into reality.

I could notice things that were real, that other people did not notice. I had a great insight and intuition into all sorts of things. Most technical things, things on relationships, things on art and design, on lifestyles, on material engineering, etc etc. There are many examples of my insight I could give from areas in life which are personal, but most readers believe that personal things are subjective. So I won't give an example which the reader could say is too subjective to be accepted, I'll have to stick to technical examples.

When I was just getting started into programming, I was figuring out how to write code that would run much faster than some of the commonly accepted libraries at the time. Most coders in that community did not like this, and disbelieved me, but I didn't mind, because my code worked. It wasn't that I wrote the best code in the world, because that's not true, I was comparing my code to a commonly used library, not the fastest or best library. My code wasn't the best, just nearly the best. The people didn't like that I wrote better code, because they felt like "Who is this nobody we've never heard of, with no qualifications, and not part of our (or any) social ladder, saying he is writting better code than *us*?"

What was interesting was not that mine was the best, but that most people disbelieved my real world easily verifyable non-subjective results. They would spend more time throwing insults at me, and not simply press a "Run" button to see for themselves if my code was as I said it was. These are all sorts of edumacated people with PhDs and all sorts of other silly qualifications. And me, at the start of my career, was writing better code than they were.

Most people have strong points, and I am no exception to that, I have strong and weak points. However, my intuition on all areas is pretty strong overall. So extrapolate that technical intuition I had, onto the other areas of life where I had a good strong intuition such as relationships, or art and design, or lifestyles, or material engineering, etc etc.

I knew I was very talented, I knew I was destined for great things.

I knew this by the time I started dating. But nothing great seemed to materialise for me. It was like doors wouldn't open for me. I had a long dating career, at least it seemed long because of the number of females I interacted with, although it only lasted for 3 years.

It took me 3 years of dating, to realise that females are impossible to get along with.

In those 3 years, I got more and more and more sick, fed up and frustrated with my lack of progress in life. I was improving in many areas that I wanted to. My coding skills were improving, my use of energy and magic was improving, but other things were decreasing too, I wasn't feeling as young and free as I used to. Leaving me feeling like I was moving in circles, getting nowhere. I had the talents to write better code than most people I knew who were employed in software development, but I had more blockages stopping me from getting work. That blockage is a whole another issue, although interestingly enough that work blockage was caused by severe abuse by a certain *female* teacher at Woodhouse College, named "Mrs Warren".

So I was getting more and more sick and fed up of my lack of progress. Seeing my awareness of my potential grow, in fact realising over time that I was destined for greater and greater things, but not seeing it come about. During this time, I was dating. My dating went pretty much as I described on the rest of my website. I had girlfriends, who pretended to be all things sweet and lovely and caring at first, and then turned out to be selfish nasty hurtful petty controlling, and plenty of other bad qualities. Their sweet and lovely side apparantly turned out to be a fake.

What I got told by people about my bad relationships
People didn't believe my stories when I told them. I got told "it's just bad luck", which it wasn't. Because I later found research showing that in 85% of relationships, the female usually starts the arguments. And that's just with the average male. I do find the average male to be a bastard actually. So with a nice male, wouldn't it be more likely to be in 99% of relationships where the female is usually causing the arguments?

I got told that "its my fault" (always by other "female friends"), but it wasn't. I explained to them carefully and politely why the complaints I got were stupid and made no sense, and were hypocritical even, but those "friends" wouldn't listen, and responded with throwing more insults and criticism at me. Like the time a lover accused me of having no consideration or manners, because I "asked which cup that I had drunk from previously", (which was because because I couldn't remember which cup I had drunk from). And it wasn't her words that upset me, it was her attitude, her negative tone of voice, the body language, the fact that she refused to see me because of this "inconsideration", simply her doing her best to perform the whole act necessary to transfer negativity into me. Seriously, I can't see any connection between that cup and me being inconsiderate, but that's the kind of thing I'd have to put up with. Sheer insanity! Obviously those "female friends" recognised their behaviour in my exes, and felt threatened that I was aware of it. Whats more interesting, is when I later heard stories of those "female friends" love lives, they were also pretty sorrowful, they would do all sorts of evil nasty cruel things to innocent boyfriends, from their own accounts even. One of them told me that her way of getting close to her boyfriend was by "cutting through the lies that keep us apart", giving criticisms basically, and what was a lie was decided by her alone and not him. She told me how she could get closer to his heart by cutting at his heart with her criticisms. And she told me how she wouldn't take anyone criticising her, he couldn't criticise her, only she could criticise. Thats the kind of relationship I'd find from the "female friend" who would blame me for the bad relationships I had. A female who explictly admits to being emotionally devastating to an innocent person, and then dresses it up with all nice sweet words like "Getting closer to someone". *sick* (my god how I hate females and their fakeness).

I got told that "I'm just attracted to people who are wrong for me". But that wasn't true either. I did my best to only stick to those who seemed the nicest and kindest to me. And they turned out to be fake. What could I do? If there is no monster in reality or fantasy more twisted and fake than the average female, then what can I do? Nowadays I know simply to question them neutrally on stuff, and I always get enough information to figure it out for myself, but back then I couldn't believe anyone could be that fake, I believed there was a (high) limit to fakeness and twistedness. And because of this belief of a limit to fakeness, I got manipulated by females, into bad relationships.

How I stopped dating
Eventually, I found this research that proved thatin 85% of relationships, that the females usually caused the arguments. Something in me then made me stop dating. It was just that information, that piece of science, that changed how I felt. I no longer believed that the problem was bad luck. Now I knew it was that females were the problem.

And then after that, people tell me that I'm letting "one bad experience" stop me from finding good relationships! After all that misery and suffering I was forced to go through, and me resolutely believing in hope! And how I only stopped because of SCIENCE not because of 30 bad experiences in a row, and they tell me its just my emotional reactions, because of one bad experience??? The idiocy!! Bloody stupid retarded mentally crippled evil idiocy of anyone who can say such a fucking stupid thing.

What females are really about
In my experience, females love misery. Females will refuse to have a good happy relationship. They don't like males to be free. Females don't like to join into a mutually freeing relationship, whereby each person understanding and loving each other both of them get what they want. Getting what you want is freedom.

When a relationship is too happy for her liking, she'll throw in misery into it. Cause arguments over nothing. Usually she won't do this right away, she'll pretend to be nice for a short period of time. For some females it might be a day, others a few months. I've never known a female pretend to be nice for more than 3 months, though. Those months of pretending are happy times, but they only lead to more unhappy times, because by then you'll believe she isn't the evil person that she really is. You'll be trapped by her fakery.

Females love misery.

If a person does not have enough misery in their life, females will do their best to put misery into their lives. Even if that amount of misery is more than being alone! Females will pour misery on an innocent person who does not deserve it, so much that he is better off on his own.

The miracle
So, I stopped dating. Not miraculous in itself, but the result was.

I started figuring things out.

Everything started coming into place.

My brain started to be able to piece together this world.

People, evolution, purpose, destiny, computer programming, energy, anything!

Since stopping dating, over the course of only 1 year I:

Discovered the system of basic universal archetypes which although mathematical, correlate exactly to what we know of evolution. (The differences between humans, animals and plants). This is the fantastic thing, that I can explain this through basic maths formed from physics-type concepts of creation movement and destruction. My system doesn't need stereotypes (woman, monkey, trees, etc), just maths and logic. These mathematical archetypes explain how humans are on the 3rd level of evolution, out of 12 levels.
Discovered the nature of humans. I am different from every human I've met when it comes to basic nature, on a level where they are all the same to each other. I can explain human nature in one sentance, a sentance that explains all of human behaviour, all the wonderful things and nasty things that people can do, all the self-contradictions even, they have been explained by a formal, logical description, that *I* have discovered for myself.
No one has explained this to me, and few can even understand the concepts involved, but I have discovered this. This really is a great discovery for humankind, one day they will understand their own nature, and it will be because of my work. It will be based on material based off of my discovery.

Developed a string (data) processing code library, that gives unparalleled power and speed with processing data. This library contains two algorithms which I have invented, (and plenty more that I developed independantly but other people got there first), these two algorithms are patent worthy. I've used them to speed up parsing and scanning data while simplifying the parse process, to do optical character recognition, fuzzy genetics matching in an efficient time, etc etc. It's damn good stuff.
Unlike a lot of the other stuff I've discovered, it's not common opinion that this stuff I've done with the computers is subjective. In fact none of the stuff I've discovered is, but most people (stupidly) believe that personal subjects can't be objective. At least on this one topic anyone can see for themselves that I am frighteningly intelligent.

Got over the blockage that that female teacher gave to me through her abuse, that stopped me from working. It was really a rough process, a lot of negative emotional material blocked up in side of me, to ride over, but I got it out. And then I got myself my first not self-employed jobs.
Figured out the true obstacle to freedom on this planet, and the purpose of this planet. I've written an article explaining how it works.
I'm starting to become the great person I always knew I was supposed to be! And only AFTER stopped dating! Why? Why is it that all these years I had this potential that I felt was stagnating, and not going anywhere? And it started to become freed after I stopped dating?

Why did this change occur?
The answer is females.

Females were stopping me from being myself. Their constant negativity, their constant lies and insults of me, was ruining my life. Females did not want to see me heal over the abuse I suffered as a child. Females did not want to see me becoming the person that I was DESIGNED to be. Females wanted to take this angel and break him down, corrupt him and control him into a diseased slave who would die for her sick pleasure. Well it's not going to happen, if females are so resolute about being evil, then that makes it you or me. If that's the choice about who has to go, then it's going to be you who is made no more.

All these years that I believed that love was there to be found, I was putting in my energy into relationships. My understanding of relationships, is that a good relationship is more efficient for freedom, than someone working alone. This is basic mathematics. This is why humans are more powerful than bacteria, our cells cooperate instead of working individually. This is why companies are more powerful than individuals, disproportionately powerful. So it would be natural to think that my life would become better by having a good relationship.

If females were such angels, such good perfect creatures that the media tells us they are, then I would have had no problems, I would have become the person I was meant to be right away, instead of stagnating in the prescence of females. Not only that, but together we'd have become so powerful, that our lives would have been disproportionately better together, than alone.

But females aren't perfect. They aren't even half-perfect. Females are evil. Females are cruel evil nasty petty small minded parasites, like tapeworms. Instead of using chemicals to fool the host that this parasite is good (like tapeworms), females use fakery pretending to be sweet and nice and kind, to fool the host, so the woman parasite can drain the life out of us males.

Simply, while I was putting energy into these relationships, the energy was being used against me. That effort wasn't being used for me as I expected it would be. I was spending so much time recovering and healing over the latest round of negativity and criticisms by females, all my time being spent in arguments or being falsly criticised, that I had no time to make the world a better place. I can't be productive while I am upset by lying insults from evil females. Their negativity was ruining my life.

Alone, I could put my energy into productive stuff, which was being used for me.

This is why I was stagnating while dating. This is why I have started to become the person I was designed to be, alone.

Other kinds of females who are negative
Mothers are negative too. This is getting back to my original point. It doesn't matter if it's a lover, or a mother, or a sister, or any female who you are unfortunate enough to be close to. She will do her best to fill your life with misery.

While sculpting some nice piece of home furniture from clay at a course, I was unforunate enough to hear a fat ugly woman who was unable to keep her mouth closed, talking about mothers. Even she was saying how she noticed that you rarely see a happy mother with her children when shopping. She said see these mothers criticising because the kids won't stay still, scalding the kids because they are laughing, or playing games with each other. So, even common females can notice this too, eh? It's not just me who notices this?

I often see mothers abusing their children in public. On TV I've seen a show about "Badly behaved children". One clip from this show had a 200 pound mother storming into a child's bedroom screaming "you stupid little shit" (her exact words) and swipes a 40 pound child around the head, because he didn't tidy up. Who is badly behaved there? The mother or the child? The TV show was stupid enough to describe that as the child being bad.

My own mother often swore at us "fucking kids". And then we were supposed to be innocent with a mother like that? Parents don't want their children to learn "bad words", but the parents feel free to abuse the children with these words? That just makes no sense. Teach by example, actions speak louder than words.

If I went around swiping and bashing every mother who littered our streets, or damages her health through smoking or excessive drinking, I'd never get a chance to stop!

Imagine that, a suburb, a shopping area, a young healthy man walking past the bus stop, sees a woman dropping some litter. "You stupid little shit" he screams and thumps her on the head.

Badly behaved man eh? But then why is it perfectly OK for mothers to abuse their children in exactly the same way? Why is it that there is one law for how two adults are supposed to treat each other (civility), and another for how mothers are allowed to treat their children?

And heres the stupidest thing. These mothers are USELESS at teaching. You DO NOT teach someone by abusing them. Kids cannot know how to do anything, unless given the chance to learn. They cannot know what is wrong with doing something, without seeing first for themselves whats the problems something might cause. A kid can't know what problems having a messy room causes for example, without first having a messy room. Unlike adults, they don't have as much experience or understanding to make good judgements as often.

However, when a child has enough experience and understanding, they can usually make decisions just as good as any adult. A child can make startling "mature" decisions, when they have a good understanding of what they are deciding over. It's just that adults do not encourage true understanding in children, they encourage the chilren to "do as told" and "behave" and that's it.

Given that, it's hardly as if they are choosing to do something bad for themselves or other people, is it? And if they aren't choosing to do something wrong, then why abuse them over it? And after that abuse, the kid is still left not knowing how to do it right or why it is right or wrong.

Imagine a 30 year old woman getting driving lessons. She gets in the seat, and then the driving instructor screams at her and smacks her about the head, for not undoing the clutch first, or some other technical detail... Well this would have a few effects. One she wouldn't have learnt anything about driving from this abuse, two she'd really dislike the instructor, three her day might be ruined by that abuse, and four it would not be a good learning environment.

Adults tend to not treat each other like that, and that is how they learn best.

And wouldn't a child be MORE vulnerable to that kind of abuse than an adult? Not having the psychological strength to deal with it? A very small adult can deal with psychological abuse 20x better than a large child, the size isn't everything, it's the mental power which is. For a child, not knowing who is there to help, not knowing what authorities exist to help. The only authorities a child knows might be their abusive parents who already have set their playings cards in life against them.

So why harm the learning, psychological health, and relationship with a child, by abusing them? Whether it's insults and criticisms and shouting (often favoured by mothers), or hitting, the effects are the same.

But here is the awful thing. Almost all mothers act like this. Almost all mothers are useless at being mothers. Almost all mothers do more harm to their child than if they just left the child alone and simply gave her/him food and shelter and whatever other things they need.

I know that at this point, many stupid people will accuse me of suggesting that children should never be told "no". I'm not suggesting allowing the children to do whatever they want and abuse their parents. Simply that even a quite deprived environment like that would be better than how most mothers treat their children. And besides, leaving someone alone isn't the same as not saying "no". Adults are able to leave each other alone, and say "no" when they cross civil boundaries, so why can't a mother do the same to her child?

Why is a mother allowed to be less than civil to her child? Why is what would normally be considered brutal, thuggish, barbaric behaviour, when one adult treats another adult that way, be considered standard parenting practise when applied to children?

A life study
I saw some life studies done on a group of children from diverse backgrounds. Some mothers would abuse their children (although the studies interpreted this as being the child's fault as mothers can never be to blame).

Most mothers would treat their children as objects. "Go here". "Do this". "Sit down". "Shut up". "Do as your told". etc etc etc. An adult would not put up with being treated like that, so why do these mothers act like to their children? The tone of voice of the mother is usually critical, scornful, hostile. Other than that, no personal relations.

No "how do you feel", no "what do you think", no "what do you like". No exploring that child's personality to figure out what kind of spirit had come into this physical world, and discovering what this spirit was like.

Just being treated as a second-class citizen, and otherwise ignored.

Sometimes the mothers were in better moods, when the child had finally been forced to act as her whims dictated, but mostly they were bossy and critical.

There was one mother (and father) who acted differently, though. One, out of 25 that were in this life study. That's a pathetic 4% of the mothers. And even then, this number is highly suspect to random deviations. The number could in reality be anything as low as 0.1%. When only 1 person out of a sample shows a trait, the study is not statistically significant. You'd need at least 3 people to be significant, and even then it would be only slightly statistically significant.

Anyhow, so this mother treated her child like a HUMAN BEING. Amazing eh? Incredible. A revolution. A mother who treated her child like a human, instead of a second-class citizen like the majority of mothers did. She talked to her child like another human being, with respect not force, with understanding, letting her have her own freedoms and not arbitrarily restricting them because of the mother's whims.

The child (a girl), was the most popular girls in her class. Not through being an attention whore, or a conformist, but simply through having good social skills and feeling confident. She was also way ahead of the other kids of her age (3), able to reason and understand all sorts of things that you'd expect only from a child 1 or 2 years older than her. The other kids couldn't answer questions like "what happens when you heat ice", but she could answer it easily.

So, this child was far ahead of her time, and already looking destined to be successful in life, because she was not being given female negativity. And how ridiculously rare this is, 1 out of mothers 25 in that sample! That shows the huge effect of female negativity. Female negativity shapes a person's whole life. A child could be stupid or intelligent because of female negativity (or the lack of it).

A child could be popular and happy or unpopular and alone, because of female (mother's) negativity.

But these mothers are too evil and stupid to take responsibility for their actions. They will refuse to change. As far as they care, they do everything perfect. No matter that these studies show the difference that being treated as a human makes, how overwhelming it is.

As I said, all females are negativity and misery loving. If you have nothing better to do in life, than heal and recover from female negativity, than maybe spending time around females you are close to is OK for you.

But if you want to acheive great things in life, there is no way you'll be able to while having the life drained out of you by evil females. In this case you'll need to get them away from you.

The more females you can keep, the further from you, the better a life you will live. Happier, more productive, dream fulfilling, peaceful, respected lives. It doesn't matter what kind of female, they are all the same.


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Old 10-27-2005, 04:50 PM   #2
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Here is some of the things that is wrong with the views of females today.

Entitlement mentality
Overblown sexual ego
Huge ego
Self obsessiveness / Vanity / Narcissism
Vanity and bitchyness reversal
Ignorance and refusal to learn
Irrational hatefulness
Disgusting mentality
Aggressive, bitchyness, etc
Lies of victim-hood / Manipulation
Don't understand love, yet claim they know it better

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Old 10-27-2005, 04:50 PM   #3
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way to long to read can you summarize in 20 words or less?
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Old 10-27-2005, 04:54 PM   #4
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Read my second post

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Old 10-27-2005, 05:25 PM   #5
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i can summarize it in 20 words or less, kennedy=
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Old 10-27-2005, 05:31 PM   #6
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:rolleyes: where do you read this ridiculous crap?
~ Donna ~ "Mother's hold their children's hands a short while, but their hearts forever" Mikey 11/16/05

Never make someone the center of your life for you will only be on the perimeter of theirs
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:41 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by ~Donna~
:rolleyes: where do you read this ridiculous crap?

The place to get all real and correct information...the internet of course
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Last edited by Kennedy; 10-27-2005 at 07:58 PM..
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