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Old 06-22-2006, 01:53 PM   #4
Gear Nazi
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its funny, cause i worked in staples for over three years and basically know how all staples stores work. I know a bit about od, cc, n bb cause they're mostly the same. I went into od to ask about a rebate, had no help n told me to call sony.....i said uhhh...its an office depot rebate..n he said ohhh......well why did you wait so long to do the rebate..i said what...18 days??? n he went oh...but they have to be post marked by a certain date..i said yea.....the 28th......he prob still thought he was cool n knew it g/f n her sis just laughed..heh

point being.....MOST managers don't know ANYTHING.........but some of them do, and those that do are very nice....n don't try to give u bullshit.....n even if a cat fails, all it'll do is throw a code n make ur exhaust smell really bad...nothing to do with driving the damn car..
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