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Old 11-08-2008, 12:41 AM   #48
Short Shifter
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: wrong island, ny
Posts: 170

Higher Taxes are the least of it. Most of the new taxes will come out as fees and expenses anyway, not technically taxes right?
That's what you get with a weasel lawyer to run things.

Now we have an extremist leader about to be put in power.
Someone who will likely be exempt from criticism because of his race.
Someone who tells people what they want to hear, while his record is VERY different. THAT is dangerous.

Add all of the big campaign contributions, this guy owes people a lot of favors.

He's picking out a cabinet of his extremist buddies.
While guys like Shumer are making sure conservative radio goes down with the fairness doctrine.

I respectfully disagree that the government needs to be bigger and to take care of people with more "programs". Government programs just get bigger because you can't get rid of them.... they just keep adding more... and more people who demand entitlements. Incentives to not work.

Choice and freedom are far more important to me.
It's choice and responsibility for those choices that made this country great... not the gov't wiping your ass.

Choose for me?
Tell me I'm not responsible enough to have a gun? (Obama plans a 400-500% tax on ammo and further gun control, immediately upon taking office)

Take away the forests so I can't ride my dirt bike? (Clinton did it in 1999, Bush overturned a year later)

Tell me that the radio program I like doesn't match the viewpoint of our leaders? ... and they considered Bush a fascist?

Tell me I'm too stupid to save for my own retirement?
He and his buddies want to do away with 401k's and dump that money into the fairing social security system! - article

How long until this mentality spreads to Sportbikes?
- john

Last edited by bondo; 11-08-2008 at 12:53 AM..
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