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Old 10-04-2005, 05:24 PM   #14
Learner's Permit
ZumaMama is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Newton, NJ
Posts: 4

A man is riding down the road on his motorcycle when a rabbit dashes out in front of him. He tries his best but hits the rabbit and kills it. He standing by the side of the road by the dead rabbit looking very sad when a blonde in a convertible stops. She asks the man whats wrong and he tells her about hitting the rabbit and that it's dead. The Blonde replies "Oh I can fix that" and she goes to the trunk of her car and returns with a can. She shakes the can and sprays the rabbit. Suddenly the rabbit jumps up waves and hops down the road 10 feet. He stops again and waves and hops 10 feet more. He continues doing this until he is out of sight. The man is amazed and says " Wow that's amazing can whats in the can? Can I see it" The blonde hands the can to the man and the label reads
"Hair Spray. Revives dead hair and leaves a permanent wave"

Had to send it
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