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Old 12-20-2012, 12:33 AM   #81
Lieutenant Dan
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A certificate of live birth was shown after 3 years... it does NOT list any Hospital for his "birth".. it is only to record that he exists and IS the son of an American Citizen..making Him an American Citizen.
it was NOT a birth cirtificate...
Being an American Citizen DOES NOT qualify you to be President.
Being a Naturalized Citizen Excludes you from Ever being President.
When John McCain was running for President they were looking to exclude him Because he was born in Panama on a US Naval Base so they tried to say he was "foreign born" even though the Canal Zone was a US protectorate at the time.
There is quite a good chance thet Mr Obama was born in Kenya... we will most likely never know for sure. Laws are for little people...
He has NEVER released ANY of his grades or School records for ANY School he Attended.

The fact that he was raised and mentored by Comunists,Radicals and Actual Terrorists like William Aiyers is more disturbing to me. He is not a liar... he has been saying his whole adult life that he DILIKES this COUNTRY and is DETERMINED to CHANGE it into something that he feels is "better"... LOTS of people agree....
they dont have a clue what he really wants to do but thats never stoped people from thowing their lives and fortunes away..

Obama is no Fool...BUT he is the Prince of FOOLS..
Whattayagot  80

Last edited by FDNYDANO18; 12-20-2012 at 12:36 AM..
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