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Old 06-09-2009, 02:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by CORNBREAD View Post
I know it looks very bad on her part. But I know for a fact she never cheated on him until me. I have known her for 4 years and all she would talk about was him and they go away at least twice a year. You're right marker, it would have been good if she would have called off the trip but i never told her not to. Maybe i'm being too naive, and too emotional but i can;t forget how i felt being with her the last 5 weeks. Divorce or not it was too real on both our parts. But i will take the advice and step back a bit and see what happens. I have no choise, she's gone for 2 weeks.

As for when she comes back, i will give it a few days, maybe a week, and tell her i can't be #2 anymore. Not after feeling how i feel now and spilling my guts on a fucking motorcycle forum!


You are just making excuses right now. Most of the guys here are right because they can see the full picture as it is. 5 years to be with someone is a long time and who knows what she is thinking. Maybe she just thinks she is in love because it is something new.

John is right, what happens 5 years from when you get together with her. 3 months out of a marriage seems like very short and your just in love of the fact of being in love. Your still young don't think 33 is going to hinder you from going out there and meeting people. So what if you have kids, many single women now were married and have children of their own.

Put yourself in the shoes of the other guy. How would you feel if this girl you were with is messing with some other dude. Who knows if she is feeding you b.s...

One advice if you are not going to quit pursing her is this

1) Tell her to break off with her current boyfriend and you guys start off VERY slow to make sure it is what you both want.

2) Find out if she has hot cousins and introduce them to our fellow single SBA members.

Good Luck!

Originally Posted by Brian78 View Post
ask high revs, he probably knows what to do.
BHAHAHAHA...not sure if anyone else caught this! lol nice bri...
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