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Old 01-29-2008, 03:36 PM   #47
Puke Boy
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Ahhh this is always good LOL

I went to court several times only to have it postponed because the undercover security works for a different outfit and relocated to Mass. "Springfield" if I'm not mistaking.

Since my 1 arraingment I was back in court a total of 5 times because he was unable to get to court. Funny thing is --

1) Wouldn't they subpoena him to court.
2) Issue a warrant for failure to appear.

So far it's been my last court date that I was at was December 12th and I didn't get anything in the mail or a call from my lawyer. But after court on the 12th he said he is going to send a letter of dismissal at the end of Jan. So as of right now, it's still on going
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Cakes towards Ian on having to save money to see family in St Lucia.... 'or some girl u hadnt seen since kindergarten u just connected with on FB'? -

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