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Old 10-05-2007, 10:19 AM   #14
Throttle Lock
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Originally Posted by Cakes982 View Post
It is pretty trick. I just don't understand why you would need to adjust it though. What conditions would you use 18 over 20 or 19 vice versa?

As I understand it, 19x20 holds up better against fade...........some light reading I dug up elsewhere

"The way Brembo sizes the masters is by piston size first then the point to point in mm. So the "19" on both masters is the piston size... they are the same. but the 18mm or 20mm is the distance from the pivot point to the piston rod conection.. the shorter distance with the 18 provides less leverage in the pull... the 20 has more leverage for a shorter pull."


"This thing (19x20) is a monster compared to the 19x18 - it takes at least twice the initial force as the 19x18. If you completely hammer your brakes all day long it will not fade but the initial feel isn't quite as good as the 19x18. There also seems to be more lever free play no matter what position it's in. I verified this by trying out two other bikes with a 19x20 on them because I thought there may be something wrong with mine. Overall it has more of a wooden feeling compared to the 19x18, which is why it is last on my list.

I got in a pretty in-depth discussion with someone who knows much more about these things than myself and he was explaining how the difference in bore sizes give you a different feel, and why bigger is not always better where this is concerned, due to different calipers and the hydraulic effect etc. In general a bigger master will constitute more initial lever input but will not fade or require much more input to reach the lock up point hence the wooden feeling. Too small and you will be having to add more and more pressure towards the end of the stroke to achieve lock up (this has everything to do with the lever throw. The more throw the more initial force, the less throw the more force is needed towards the end)."
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