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Old 08-23-2007, 11:45 PM   #10
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thirdgenlxi is offline
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Originally Posted by High_Revs_17 View Post
It feels good to see someone that takes excellent care of their machine and doesn't sell it for the next best thing after 10,000 miles roll over on the Odo.

Seems like the headlight lenses are cloudy, along with the windscreen. Pick up a bottle of auto POLISH, not WAX, it'll buff all that out very easily.
They look cloudy in the pics, but they're actually not. It's just cuz the lights are on they look that way. I have some bright ass HID's and the camera does some weird things when taking pics of them, so it's just the way the pics turned out. The windscreen does have some crap on it though, and I haven't been able to get it off with anything I've tried. I got that windscreen from a buddy of mine who's wife used to have an identical F4i (now has a 600RR). He had put a double bubble on hers and had the stock one sitting in his garage for months. I was at his house one day, and since my screen had some stress cracks in it, he gave me this screen. It was in perfect shape other than the white stains. I thought I'd be able to get them out with some denatured alcohol or polishing compound or something, but nothing has been able to remove them. I'm not worried about it though cuz I'm getting a double bubble soon anyways

As for taking care of it... well I do my best! I'm not one of the people that always has to have the latest and greatest stuff... as long as it does what it's supposed to do and stays reliable then I'm happy. I guess growing up dirt poor you kinda learn to take care of your stuff... it has to last cuz you simply can't afford to buy new stuff. Same reason I'm still driving my 18 year old car with 380k miles... there's nothing wrong with it and it still runs perfect and reliable as anything. I hate to come across as a cheap ass, but I just hate wasting stuff that's still good. I just like getting my moneys worth out of my stuff, that's all

Black/Red '04 CBR 600 F4i - 224,400 miles and counting quick
Black '89 Accord LX-i sedan - 416,700 miles still going strong
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