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Old 08-19-2007, 02:40 AM   #53
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High_Revs_17 is offline
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I just read this! Holy shit you lucky dog, if it was 30 minutes earlier you most likely would've had a DUI, and I think I know who stopped you, and yes, you're correct in your descriptions of her.

Originally Posted by ginoe View Post

Kudos to Mt. Olive Police! The police officer that pulled me over, quite possibly saved my life.

I take a ride out to Long Valley Brew Pub to refill the two growlers I have. I get there around 9pm-ish & recognize a few of the locals. I get the growlers filled & hang out for a couple of hours, eating, drinking & shooting the breeze with them.

11:15pm I figure I better boogie home since it’s still an hour ride. I pack the growlers in the tail bag & head out. Riding on Route 206, which is a two-lane road, there are a few cars ahead of me staggered within the two lanes. They’re moving kinda slow so I twist the throttle & snake through them. As a pull away from the pack of cars I just passed, I noticed in my rearview mirror another car pulling out of a driveway pretty quickly after me.

It’s a patrol car, I can recognize the light-bar on top of the roof. It paces me for a couple of miles then hits the strobes. I pull over immediately to the shoulder, shut the bike off, helmet off, gloves off & wait for the officer.

WOW – what a doll!!! She’s a petite 5’ (no more than 98lbs), long light brown hair in a tightly braided ponytail. She tells me shes’ pulled me over because I was speeding & asks to see my paperwork. I hand over the documentation & she says she understands how easy it is to move pretty quickly with a motorcycle.

She asks the usual questions: where your coming from, where are you going, have I been drinking… I tell her the truth & she says she needs to perform a few sobriety tests before she can let me go. I fail all 3 field sobriety tests, she handcuffs me & puts me in the back of her squad car. Another squad car arrives to wait for the tow truck to impound my bike.

We’re in the police station as she processes me – handcuffed to the bench but all the while I’m kinda smiling because I sneak looks at her (not trying to stare at her too much). She reminds me of an old girlfriend but in a much smaller package.

She reads to me out loud, some sort of documentation about ‘refusing the breathalyzer test’ – it’s a full page lengthy document & she reads it at 100mph sounding like one of those car commercials. As she reads it, I’m imagining her wearing a two-piece bikini…

She says: “Have you fully understood what I have just read you?”
I respond: “I do”
She says: “You’re not getting married so I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ ”

She then has me blow into the breathalyzer two times – I await anxiously for the results. When the report spits out it shows a BAC reading of 0.079

She says: “I’m not citing you for drunk driving but I’m giving you a ticket for reckless driving. You’re free to go since they round down, you did not hit 0.08 – I’m glad because you seem like a nice guy. Do you have anyone to call to pick you up? Since your bike is in impound, you will have to get it tomorrow morning”

I say: “No, I have no one to get me.”
She says: ”how about you stay at a local hotel overnight then walk to the impound in the morning for you bike, you will need to pay cash at the impound’
I say: “OK, I’ll do as you suggest”

She drives me to the local hotel, wishes me goodnight & roars off into the darkness.

I put the growlers into the hotel room fridge & go to sleep. During the night I’m dreaming she comes to my hotel room after her shift ends…no such luck. I wake up & start hoofing it a mile or so down 46 to the impound lot. Pay the impound & ride home.

Traffic court is 9/20 – I get to see her again, I’ll be sure to be wearing my Sunday Best. I wonder if I should invite her over to Long Valley brew pub afterwards…

'92 Honda CB747-Cafe'
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