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Old 08-13-2007, 10:55 PM   #83
I are not David Hicks
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Glad you're mostly ok Sax.

I've "crashed" twice, both on my Ducati. I say it like that because the first one was too much brake while practicing figure 8s for my road test (I did the MSF as well). Doesn't really count but it was pretty funny.

Second one was in Middletown too (I call it Paneratown). I'd ridden through the rain from our place upstate (for about an hour) with my wife following me in the car. When we got into Paneratown it had just started raining but I didn't really notice because my visor was really wet. Approaching the second last corner in the journey I was going a little fast, didn't grab the brakes (I practice stopping all the time) but the last thing I remember before I was sliding was the bars turning slightly to the left. I was sliding down the street watching my bike slide away from me and my GPS going on its merry way. The thing I was worried about most was my bike hitting a car in the other lane because it was heading that way and there were two cars coming. Fortunately they both stopped. I went to pick up my bike and noticed that the clutch cover was broken, mainly because the oil was emptying onto the street and that my left thumb was killing me. I couldn't pick the bike up because I was all messed up so one of the guys in the car picked it up for me (what a champ!) but I didn't help (what a douchebag!). What I'd failed to register/remember was that my friend's development had just repaved their car park, so tar, truck oil, light rain and a little too much speed. Full leather so no rash or anything just a broken bike, a messed up thumb and bruising on my right hip. Oh, don't forget the really worried wife who was in the car behind me. Didn't hassle me about ditching the bike, just like I wouldn't hassle her about quitting skydiving, she's awesome.

Last edited by EvilSteve; 08-13-2007 at 10:57 PM..
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