Thread: WW III......
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Old 01-25-2007, 02:26 PM   #4
Short Shifter
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Originally Posted by Rev View Post
On the brighter side I look at it like this. If we were ever invaded by any other country, you can bet your bottom dollar that US citizens will bare arms and wax any unwanted homo's that set foot on US soil. That is one good thing about US Citizens....they embrace each other on rough times...although shoot each other on easy times.....
actually the darker side is that US citizens and government will become prejudiced against US residents and citizens of the associated ethnicities. Arabs and Middle Easterners (heck, even Indians who LOOK like middle easterners) are already being discriminated against. If this war escalates, not only will the US be physically broken up by bombed cities, deaths, destruction, but we will also be emotionally broken up as everyone becomes suspicious of their friends and neighbors.. everyone except white/european people (and probably hispanics) will be looked at with jaded eyes. not sure how far the government will go -- you'd think in this age and time that concentration camps wouldn't even be an option -- but you'd also think that the old days of drastic decisions that sparked ww1 and ww2 were over (ha!).

Originally Posted by Rev View Post
Does anyone else think that this "war on terrorism" has stemmed out further then just that. That this time of day countries are trying to be the "Super Power". China is well on it's way...Although they still need the US as a import/export business to keep them running smoothly, countries have been known to make stupid moves in the past centuries...
as far as i know, the US has made many more stupid moves than china has. in fact, i think (my opinion, not fact) that US's tacky display of 'power' by blatantly going into iraq only triggered china's nuclear buildup race/display as a response. if anyone is to blame for this huge upheaval and display of 'nuclear arms' it would be the US. north korea and other countries have always been nuclear threats but they did not go around attacking other countries like..*ahem* the US did. now the whole superficial peace is falling apart and after the US made the first move, other countries can now come out and announce their moves.... dumb dumb dumb.


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Last edited by EuniceEstelle; 01-25-2007 at 02:29 PM..
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