Thread: sneakers
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Old 06-28-2006, 03:20 PM   #14
Gear Nazi
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i hear ya Cakes, i dont know what the hell happened to sneaker design. when did it become the trend to design sneakers after moonboots? and some of them are just flat out ugly with all those damn colors. it does make you wish for the days of a single or double color pair.
but i think the sneaker market has become so flooded with product that the sneaker stores dont have the room or the money to stock that much inventory. cuz lets face it, back in the day you either wore nike's or reeboks. now all the old school companies have made a serious come back and there are so many new ones on the scene that its gettin out of hand.
but im with crystal, i need to try things on before i buy and it seems like now a days that is not as easy as it used to be...

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