Thread: Deer: 1, DSH: 0
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Deer: 1, DSH: 0
Old 07-21-2005, 06:56 PM   #1
Short Shifter
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Default Deer: 1, DSH: 0

freak accident this morning.

was riding to work this morning and a deer got clobbered on the opposite side of the road and flew into left lane of my side. there was a car 2-3 car lengths ahead of me so i swerve right to pass and the motherfukka swerves into me instead of just braking. i managed not to get hit by him but still got run off the road.

i go down and as i get up i see the deer pick itself up and clambor up the side of the mountain. WTF?!?! bike is now out of commission until further notice.

there are a lot of "could've, should've, would've's" but right now i have 2 questions:

1) how can i go after this guy to pay all my damage costs and not have my insurance premiums jacked up? Progressive Insurance right now saying it was a "one vehicle accident" and not much likelihood of cashing in on the dirty old bastard or the deer.

2) anyone know much about hunting deer and/or old men?

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