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Old 05-16-2006, 10:12 AM   #14
Veruca Salt
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The only place I went yesterday was the grocery store to pick up some small items, and that was for just a couple of minutes. I went to the mall later that day, but that was with my car.

I figure someone followed me or has been looking for some time to pick it up. I parked it at home where I just moved (South Plainfield, NJ)

There are at least three other bikes in the complex where I live, and none of them were touched. One of them has been sitting there all of spring. I don't even think it works. It's a good looking bike, and it hasn't gotten stolen.

I can see my bike from my window. It's not a traffic-ed area. It's a complex with one entrance and one exit. It's really a low-key town. It's just one example that goes to show it doesn't matter where you live (unless of course you have a garage, which I don't), if they want the bike, they'll get it.

The funny thing about this situation is that the cop had to get my license number, but somehow dropped it through his equipment in the car, so now I have to wait until they can get it out to get it back. I can't even drive my car if I wanted to.

p.s. To answer your question Rev, I don't think at this time that's it for me with bikes. I'm not new with stuff getting stolen from me. If I paid attention to all that, I would never get stuff I want to. I've already had my last car stolen twice, two attempts on the car before that, and one other car stolen.

Once the third one goes though, then I'll probably call it quits. perhaps until I get a house with a garage and shotgun!

Last edited by SilverDragon; 05-16-2006 at 10:21 AM..
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