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Old 04-24-2006, 04:48 PM   #48
Short Shifter
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My previous Arai had been dropped off my bike at least 20 times easily. Sometimes from the seat, other times from the mirror stalk, and usually it had my gloves inside it.

When I got my new Arai, I sent the old one back to them to test it. The test was $10. They sent me back my helmet with a report. They said taht the helmet did not appear to be affected by the drops. However, there was an area of the styrofoam that was "compromised" due to hanging on the mirror stalk. They said that if I were wearing the helmet and I received an impact on that point, that the helmet would not be able to protect me the way it was designed. They recommended a replacement.

In all honesty, it was probably okay. I mean, what are the odds you'd land exactly on that one spot to absorb the impact? I ended up selling the old Arai anyway (it was a size too big for my head). And yes, I told the buyer exactly what Arai said about the helmet and he was fine with it.
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