Originally Posted by Ron 2 My Lou
i was thinking about calling you but i didnt know what kind of truck you had and besides it would be really fucked up to call you just to pick my ass up  im doing fine, just a lil bit sore but im sure that will go away soon. the bike wont start, error code 30. according to yamaha it can mean 2 things either way it has to go to the dealership cause i dont have the proper equipment to check it out myself.  i just want to get it started and take it home, dam i miss that bike. i dont think ill need any zip ties, if i get it working im gonna run her naked...thats right boys NAKED LAUREN!  thanks for everyones concern, ride safe talk to you guys later.
Lauren is cheating on you... she's sleeping with me now!! You abused her... :lmao: