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John712 08-16-2007 09:37 PM

Legal questions/help
So I was arrested today. "INNOCENTLY"

I went shopping with my wife today, which I never do by the way.

But today I went with her, went up and down every isle, cart was filled. Shes putting things in, taking things out, Im putting things in and shes taking them out. yadda yadda yadda.......

We get to the cashier, Brenda in front of the shopping cart and me behind it. Im putting everything on the conveyor belt so the cashier can scan it. as she scans it my wife bags it and puts it the bagged items back in the shopping cart. were done at the check out, and walking through the parking lot to the car when Im stopped my deputy dickhead. he grabs my arm and im like what the fuck asshole.

he tells me im under arrest for shop lifting, now i snapped and said count all the items and look at the reciept. he told me he watched everything and i didnt put the 2 bags of dog food on the belt to be paid for. i said what dog food..? needless to say there was two 50lbs bags of dog food on the bottom of the cart where the wheels are that i did not know was there.

i was brought back inside then he called the police. i was escorted through the entire shoprite in handcuffs. it was an honest overlook.

overlooked by ME. overlooked by my WIFE and overlooked the the CASHIER.

i dont have a record nor do i want one neither. being it will be my sorta kinda 1st offence where do i stand..? it was an innocent mistake. i am not allowed back ionto that shoprite, like i give a flying fuck.

but i did tell the manager i am so sorry and that i didnt see it and will gladly pay for the 2 bags 10 times the amount, and he nor the dickhead under cover security didnt wanna hear a word edge wise from me.

im got a family lawyer whom i didnt speak to with about it yet only because he is on vacation till sometime next week. but where to i stand.?

Ant 08-16-2007 10:01 PM

That's fucking ridiculous. I have no idea where you stand but I'd be fucking pissed. You just paid for all those other groceries but not the dog food? WTF?

causef0rconcern 08-16-2007 10:17 PM

Talk to the owner/manager of the store. They are the ones pressing charges, and it is up to them what happens(From what I remember from when I was 14...).

I don't know about once you have actually been arrested and processed at the station. Prosecutors/DAs are mostly cocksuckers and the legal system in this country is the reason the enforcers are such upstanding jerkoffs. Good luck sorry for ranting. If you want to start a revolution lemme know.

Marker54 08-16-2007 10:32 PM

Sorry Dude, I don't talk to Perps!

Na, seriously, thats fuggin crazy dude!

jcblitz 08-16-2007 10:40 PM

Yeah, try to talk to the manager again, that shit happens all the time. If it's a major chain, start climbing up the hierarchy, district / regional manger, etc. I never remember shit on the bottom of my cart. I don't see any "criminal intent" behind putting 50 lbs of dog food on the bottom of the cart. If it was 50 lbs of lobster, maybe. It's a lost cost item and it takes up a lot of room. It's not a crime that someone would logically commit. Remind them that it could happen to anyone, it wasn't a premeditated thing. Also, if this is something they still wish to pursue you have no problems calling local news stations and having them look into it. I have no doubt the publicity of arresting and prosecuting patrons for a common mistake that a cashier should be trained to spot would cost them more money than the dog food you forgot about. It would make for a great "shame on you" spot on the nightly news. "A common mistake customers make while at a supermarket could land you in jail. Find out which retailer decided to press charges at 11".

jcblitz 08-17-2007 08:59 AM

Any updates? This is seriously pissing me off and i can't stop thinking about it.

Mike295 08-17-2007 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by jcblitz (Post 73882)
Any updates? This is seriously pissing me off and i can't stop thinking about it.

dude.. I so agree.. the more and more i read about it you are so right. I would totally call Asa Aronns or one of those things.. they would have a field day with a situation like that. If the "deputy dick head" was watching it the whole time.. why dident he say something to you before you walked out of the store,,, "Hey buddie... I think you forgot those two bags of food" . He was looking to "justify" his position as captain dick snot. His job isent to arrest people his job is to warn people.. and if he did "arrest you" and he isent leagly a cop you definatly have a case for wrong full imprisonment. Did captin dickhead "read you your rights" I would seriously find out about what his status is on "making arrests" I mean its not like you where wispering to your wife "we got away with it the dog food is ours". This deputy dickhead should have said something to you right away when he was "watching it" go down. ... fuck that call up channel 7

njf4i 08-17-2007 09:15 AM

Damn bro now thats some freaking BS right there. Now the story sound like it really happened. But i'm having trouble with the "dont have a record nor do i want one neither. being it will be my sorta kinda 1st offence where do i stand.." line that you have.

I hope that you blast the shoprite. If the manager at the time won't help, go to the store manager. Then just keeping going higher and higher.

Good luck with it.

SAXON117 08-17-2007 09:20 AM

Fuckin Criminal:nono:

Sue 08-17-2007 12:24 PM

People are ridiculous!! If you were going to steal I cant imagine you would choose 2 lousy bags of dog food especially if they were under the damn cart. You cant tell me that has not happened to anyone before. I see people all the times with cases of soda/water or bundles of paper towels under the cart and I'm sure somewhere/somehow/ someone else accidentally walked out of the store without paying for it....give me a break!

I hope it works out for your and your wife.

JasonB 08-17-2007 12:32 PM

Fucking criminal...

But seriously, that's bull shit. Hope it all works out for you. Cant believe that they are making such a big deal about this.

That dude who called the cop must need something to do with his time.

John712 08-17-2007 12:35 PM

No updates as of yet although I got court next Tuesday at 1pm. But I'm leaving here in about 2 hours to go to Florida for the week on Vacation. I called the court house and told them I wont be here and that im on vacation next week.

she said they will set a different date for it

soda7o 08-17-2007 01:04 PM

can you say "profiling"? you look like a dog food theive... i knew your dog food stealing ways woudl catch up to you sooner or later :)
honestly tho.. clal the news and ect thats teh best way to draw attention to your self and ebarace the store and the rent-a-cop and the manager and all the idiots involved...
i cant believe you got arrested for stealing dog food.
next thing youknw they will arrest me for eating produce while shopping..

Cakes206 08-17-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by John217 (Post 73908)
But I'm leaving here in about 2 hours to go to Florida for the week on Vacation. I called the court house and told them I wont be here and that im on vacation next week.

she said they will set a different date for it

So when should we expect the "So I told them I was going on vacation and they said they'd set a new date...BUT..." thread?

NYCSTRIPES 08-17-2007 01:54 PM

Sorry to hear the store square badge was such an asshole. Hopefully the store management/owners willl not prosecute.
I expect that with an attorney, you should be able to get this either dismissed or at worst reduced to what's called an ACD in NY. Its where the Judge decides due to your clean record and lack of any aggravating circumstances to put the case aside for a period of time and see if you keep your nose clean. After that period, usually 6 months in NY, the Judge will dismiss the case.
Speak with an attorney about this. Its done in NY all the time for minor offense cases.

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