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Kennedy 09-12-2005 07:14 PM

Question for the more expienced and older (UPDATED)
Well heres my question for all of you who have been through or are going through College right now.....first some Background information....

I am currently a full time student at Raritan Valley Community College. I am taking 4 classes or 13 credits......World Civ 101 English 101, Some gay math, and Intro to Psychology......This first week has been pretty good enough work to keep me busy but not enough to keep me from panicing.....Now my question ...... Who thinks it is a good Idea to have a part time job while being a full time student in school.... I know if I do this I will be working tuesday thursdays and fridays....thats alot of time that counld be used for studying and other things like wriitng papers and homework which I get a ton off, mostly tons of reading.

For all those who have been through college what would you suggest to someone in my position, I have quite a bit saved up, almost 2k but I dont think thats enough but I do not want to sacrifice my education either. I know when winter rolls around I will be bored as hell and not be able to ride so if I don't have a job Ill be getting kicked in the ass....what do you guys think?

UPDATE***** 9/21- I hate my life. Thank you.

MPtotheFZ 09-12-2005 07:19 PM

My advice to you is to start drinking heavily! :lol:

Vin 09-12-2005 07:19 PM

I think it's a good idea, Kennedy. Even if it's not going to help with school bills and stuff, it's important to have cash in your pocket.

You will find time to study -- from what I've read about you and your general disposition, you've got a great attitude and mindset. If you can't juggle the two, do not sacrifice school for work. When you're done with school, work can and will be found.

I didn't finish college, although I wish I did. Then again, I was a dad at 20. Finishing your schooling should be one of your top priorities right now. :)

Kennedy 09-12-2005 07:23 PM

I definatly agree with your points Vinny I would love to have the money to be able to freely spend it , which I definatly do not do...Im a stingie bastard lol....but it does help to know that I do have money saved up for a rainy day like...track day, crash...another track day + crash lol ........

Figure I will only be going to Community college for two years or so, so I may as well work and save up for when I move out and take a step up to living on my own

But like you said I think that my future is really in my own hands now...they said that in highschool but CC is a second chance and I dont want to miss this up

AfricanBootyScratcher 09-12-2005 07:31 PM

I think you should spend your time banging as many chicks as humanly possible!

Vin 09-12-2005 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by AfricanBootyScratcher
I think you should spend your time banging as many chicks as humanly possible!

I agree with this. But as the father of a daughter, I would murder you if I were one of those girl's dads. Just letting you know.

Kennedy 09-12-2005 07:40 PM

LMAO......I will try and bang as many chicks as I can while not pissing off those girls fathers

DougZ 09-12-2005 07:43 PM

As some one who worked all through college, I would do it if you can juggle school work and job, with out letting one affect the other. I personally needed to work to pay for my own stuff, like car, insurance, and college fees themselves.

If working becomes a problem for you to maintain the kind of GPA you want to have, then maybe don't work. If nothing else, it will give you good life experience. Working for someone or a company will give you an idea into what the "real world" is really like, for when you get your edge you will have over you fellow students who didn't work through school.

Plus, if you listen to Omar, its takes money to bang chicks...alcohol aint free ;)

AfricanBootyScratcher 09-12-2005 07:53 PM

dude, if your smooth you can get the chicks to pay for stuff for you!

Kennedy 09-12-2005 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by DougZ
As some one who worked all through college, I would do it if you can juggle school work and job, with out letting one affect the other. I personally needed to work to pay for my own stuff, like car, insurance, and college fees themselves.

If working becomes a problem for you to maintain the kind of GPA you want to have, then maybe don't work. If nothing else, it will give you good life experience. Working for someone or a company will give you an idea into what the "real world" is really like, for when you get your edge you will have over you fellow students who didn't work through school.

Plus, if you listen to Omar, its takes money to bang chicks...alcohol aint free ;)

Well like you guys suggested I am going to try it out.....this has been an ongoing job since march and I have obtained many responisbilities....I work for 5Swytchback's father as an apprentice to custom and architectual millworking....He has taught me the basics to running your own business....I would take care of all the transactions and orders and shipments and I even got time to work in the shop during the actual making of the mill work....believe me I have had my share of work over this summer...the last couple of weeks before school were 60+ hours a week....those were some nice pay checks....

Considering I have had this expierence I have already considered myself to have an edge over most students who I am going to school with. Most kids I know have only had a part time job as a pizza delivery guy or a waiteress.... I have worked 6 am till 5 go home eat and then come back to work till 11 at night....I know what it takes to work in a business and with that I plan on using it to my advantage when the time comes for me to leave school for good and get a permanent job.

Unlike most kids my age I pay for all of my bike, fixing my bike, track days, insurance registration, gas, clothes, I am pretty much very independent from my parents. If I needed money they would be more than happy to give it to me, but they told me if I wanted to something I needed to earn it and thats exactly what I'm doing.

PS....they were kind enough to pay for my community college :jerkit: :lol:

AfricanBootyScratcher 09-12-2005 07:55 PM

but on a serious note, see if they have any type of co-op or internships available through your school for your line of study. In the long run that would probably prove to be most beneficial, even if pay is less now.

DougZ 09-12-2005 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kennedy
Well like you guys suggested I am going to try it out.....this has been an ongoing job since march and I have obtained many responisbilities....I work for 5Swytchback's father as an apprentice to custom and architectual millworking....He has taught me the basics to running your own business....I would take care of all the transactions and orders and shipments and I even got time to work in the shop during the actual making of the mill work....believe me I have had my share of work over this summer...the last couple of weeks before school were 60+ hours a week....those were some nice pay checks....

Considering I have had this expierence I have already considered myself to have an edge over most students who I am going to school with. Most kids I know have only had a part time job as a pizza delivery guy or a waiteress.... I have worked 6 am till 5 go home eat and then come back to work till 11 at night....I know what it takes to work in a business and with that I plan on using it to my advantage when the time comes for me to leave school for good and get a permanent job.

Unlike most kids my age I pay for all of my bike, fixing my bike, track days, insurance registration, gas, clothes, I am pretty much very independent from my parents. If I needed money they would be more than happy to give it to me, but they told me if I wanted to something I needed to earn it and thats exactly what I'm doing.

PS....they were kind enough to pay for my community college :jerkit: :lol:

Like the others said, sound slike you have your head on straight, and I think you'll do fine. Good luck and do well.

And remember, when a chick says no, it means no..but if she says do her harder, it means pull her hair and give her rug burn on her tata's. :)...while doing her harder.

jcblitz 09-12-2005 08:02 PM

I worked part time while in college, except for freshman year because I couldn't have a car there. Soph = The Gap at the mall, Jr = Walmart, Sr = The arcade at the mall. As long as your job understand's you're a student and offers very flexable hours and won't treat you like a dog, you'll be fine. I quit walmart because they would have me working 30 hrs a week when I only requested 15 - 20 and was taking 18 credits. It was also a good way to keep out of trouble, idle hands are the tool of the devil.

Kennedy 09-12-2005 08:29 PM

It'll do more then keep my hands idle...I'll be like your sig....fuck lol

Taz 09-12-2005 09:32 PM

Like everyone else said. I would go to school and work part time. Just make sure you get a job understand that school comes first. For the two years I was in college I worked three days a week at a pharmacy. It gives you a head start when your ready to work full time. Good luck with school.

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