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SAXON117 05-18-2006 09:45 PM

When asphalt cowboys go down......
When asphalt cowboys go down like cheap whores. Lets hear it, crashes; where, when where; how?

I'll go first. I have crashed a few times, minor mostly. slid in the gravel type thing. BUT one beautiful afternoon lets say May 29, 1997 around 4 pm, Route 46 Mount Olive. I was on my way home from work and it happened, quickly I'm sure but it seemed to take forever in my eyes slooooooooow motion. In rush hour traffic the Ford Explorer in front of me locks up and I try to do the "CHIPS" slide. But I was to close and the tires desided not to slide, instead I high sided against the truck and then flipped over the roof as the bike lauched into the other lane of traffic. The damage: FORD- not a cratch, my SUZUKI GS 650 - dented tank and bent bars, ME- that is where it gets expensive..... from the bottom up, compound fractured heel, broke both lowwer leg bones and snapped the femur, covered with road/jean burn on said leg... the repairs: bike a few hundred dollars and the leg cost me $52,000. Eight pounds of metal in my left leg, 12 screws and two rods in place of my bone marrow. All better now but still have some ugly scars.

Tag you're it lets play nice and share

Hassmaschine 05-18-2006 10:05 PM

Was a BEAUTIFUL summer day, not a cloud in the sky and that demon on my shoulder screamed bring her up, let her play... and I did.. only when I brought her down, she was under gravel.. rear slid out, and was going down on a nice smooth lowside.. when she caught traction and chucked me. No real damage other than to the bike, a bit of rash but all completely minor, healed in a week... I remember blacking out, but it turns out I musta just had adrenoline punched to the max because I remembered it later... nothing exciting or fun, just a stupid mistake...

pillaka 05-18-2006 10:48 PM

Ok here goes:

1. After having bike (sv650)/ license for one month-

Try to see how fast I can corner, remember peg touching ground then lowside going around 40mph, then me sliding a little, thinking ooops. Had full gear on, somehow managed to ride bike home with busted clutch lever and broken shifter.

2. After 3 months

Stopped behind 2 cars in front of me, 1st car is making left turn, i decide to ride past them on shoulder, as I pass the car in front of me, the car making the left decided to turn right. Pull off sweet stoppie trying to stop, the front tire hit sand, washes out. Bike hits car, busted guage cluster. No fault accident, never hear about it again. Full gear no injuries,

3. Figure out how to do burnouts on sv650, attemp rolling burnout, bike goes sideways, regains traction, unfortuanly I go other direction. Scraped knee, broken clutch lever, hole in exhaust. Have extra lever, duct tape exhaust, good to go!

4. Leaving school one night, kids blows a stop sign when I am 12' from intersection, I T-bone an 83' pontiac seden. Launched over trunk, land on head. Snapped the front forks apart, bike is totalled. Just a little sore and have some scraped knees. Contemplate quitting riding. Wind up buying new helmet month later and looking at used bikes.

Get insurance check in march 04, purchase a 2001 f4i.

Things go pretty good for a while. Do some trackdays, ride everyday.

5. In june 04 I try to drag my knee in a culdesack. Bike lowsides, just a scraped frame slider and case cover.

6. end of October 04 I figure out how to throttle steer bike on wet roads. Coming out of turn to much thottle steer going 30 mph, bike gets really sideways, hits steering lock, slams into ground. Broke a turn signal, sprained my right shoulder.

7. November 04, lowside on VIR north, sprain left shoulder.

8. April 05, bottom out front forks braking way too late at end of front straight on VIR north, feel handle bars vibrate the kick hard to left going around 90ish. I tumble, see sky, tumble, slide, see sky again, slide, stop. Get bike fixed and ready to go back out, discover front forks are tweaked.

9. May 05, somehow manage to spin up rear tire on pocono north banking, lowside going around 130 - 140 mph. Slide a good 150 yards into wall. No injuries, just a cut on my shin and rug burn on my left forearm.

10. Sept 05, lean bike over to far on left handed at beaver run, peg hits ground, picks tire off ground, lowside and slide on my ass. Bike was still fine so I went back out and did a 1:03!

11. April 06, highside on the beaver, (see post), r6 catches on fire!

High_Revs_17 05-19-2006 01:56 AM

No thanks, I'll pass on this one...I'd rather discuss pleasant sportbike topics.

But I can say I'll be adding a few of these to the leathers of my left leg just below the knee.

sonny 05-19-2006 07:13 AM

thats hardcore. I TOLDUIWASHARDKORE.

ffejtable 05-19-2006 08:03 AM

Wow stiffy!

1. About a month after I started riding (again) girl in front of me brakes hard to turn in a "driveway". Signals last minute, I panic, lock up the rear and slide into her. bike gets sandwiched between the ground and bumper. No major damage to the bike, all cosmetic, I walk away without a scratch. I was definately too close for my riding skill at the time, and was too hard on the rear brake.

2. End of July last year.... VIR South... CBRBob goes flying by me (on a half wet track) and stupid me thought I should try to follow him. Took T2 a little wide and ate some wet grass.

3. About 2 months ago leaving Monmouth cycles... Just got off the phone with Stiffy (aka: pillaka, crispy) and we planned on doing some riding so he could get some miles on the new R6 before pocono... I had new Racetecs on the bike, it was just over 40 degrees and I took a jughandle a bit too fast and the rear slid out. Left rearset, stator cover and coolant bottle need replacement. Plastics a bit cracked up but usable.

4. 2 weeks ago at Tremblant T4 got on the front brakes a little hard and tucked the front end. Right clipon and right rearset broken. Plastics are in pretty bad shape.

njf4i 05-19-2006 08:10 AM

I had 3 minor ones:

1st) Had my bike for a month and a half, led a boring shore ride that turned into fun. We were sitting at a gas station talking smack after gassing up. I guess i wasn't paying attention and the bike fell right over on top of me. That was a great way to prove that i was a good leader. :lol:

2nd.) middle of first season coming home after a long ride. go to make a left turn onto a regular back road. didn't see the gravel in the road and went down at about 5-10mph. scared me more than hurt me.

3rd.) Another long night of riding. Came home in 40 degree weather. went to make a uturn in the drive way and she fell right over on top of me. I guess i was so cold i couldn't do a u turn.

So all in all mine have been minor. But they were enough to scare the crap out of me.

Cakes206 05-19-2006 08:11 AM

Summit point track day on Halloween back in 03. Was my 2nd track day, thought I was coming in to T-1 to hot, started to drift wide, saw the outside edge of the track, paniced due to lack of experience, tapped the brakes while mid lean = not good. Lowsided. Broken pinky :ohmygod: :lol: Had I just kept lookng where I wanted to go and stayed on the throttle I would of been fine, live and learn.

MPtotheFZ 05-19-2006 08:50 AM

Low sided on a turn doin about 10 mph. Bike slid out from under me and i jumped off. Cracked some of my plastics, but i came out ok. The funniest thing i said afterwards was, " My wife is gonna kill me!"

Jake 05-19-2006 09:45 AM

First lobster run in 05.. trying to keep up with you assholes :nono:

Taz 05-19-2006 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by MPtotheFZ
Low sided on a turn doin about 10 mph. Bike slid out from under me and i jumped off. Cracked some of my plastics, but i came out ok. The funniest thing i said afterwards was, " My wife is gonna kill me!"

I didn't kill you. :P

jcblitz 05-19-2006 09:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
pot hole + gravel + wheelie + warped front tire + cracking the throttle when coming down = low side at about 35mph. I had a cage on my bike so i was fine except the throttle cable and bar end. I rashed up my arm and knee but its hardly noticble now. This is as of 9:53am 5/19/2006

duc748pilot 05-19-2006 10:03 AM

1: Lowside. first bike honda hurricane 600. right turn....fair amount of oil on road. Bike slides bottom first into a car. rashed up arm, wearing a sweatshirt.

2: Paterson, route 80, first right hand turn....front end bounces off curb. I ride the curb with my head and shoulder for about 15 feet. No injuries. full leather.

3: kinnelon road, kinnelon nj. Me scott and bill....going for breakfast or some shit...wet road. right turn on the ground before i was even into the turn. road was slick as hell. slid....i dont even know how many feet across the oncoming lane into a gaurdrail. minor ankle injuries from gaurdrail. could of been a lot worse...again full leather and sidi boots. bike, totaled by insurance.

4: Pocono raceway. east course. nasty highside turn 1. running my fastest times ever (low 1:12's) , hit a false neutral downshiftin over the bump going into the turn (everyone whos ridin east knows this bump) landed face first and my left hand tucked under my body upon impact...night in the hospital, turns out my hand was actually broken in a few spots. now ive got limited motion and strength in a few fingers. a few months later in the fall found out i had a slipped vertebre due to the crash as well. months of rehab and im feelin pretty good.

the first 3 were all on the street, that list should prob be a LOT longer....we used to ride like complete assholes. those of you who used to ride with me im sure can say the same. Im glad im off the street but i do miss it.

Rev 05-19-2006 10:07 AM


Beautiful gorgeous day..Had a ride set up Lots of bikers...over crew is a head, joel, billly etc etc...were in the back..i'm enjoying the sweepers...I felt a little ballsy that day...doing about 80 on a sweeper...turn bends up to the left...and sharp bend all the way to the right....couldn't anticipate the turn...went to far left...tank slapped on the grass....crashed...

woke up in the hospital with head trauma, memory loss, and dislocated wrist total cost....$110,000 in medical bills....

No rash..thanks to full gear including knee/shin gaurds I purchased the DAY BEFORE..

Gear helps people...prevented me from rash...extra pain i didn't need.

JimRBlue 05-19-2006 10:27 AM

Fortunately I can not contribute to this thread :-):cheers:

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