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vice86 12-21-2005 08:32 AM

MTA Transit Strike SUCKS
This fucking MTA strike sucks...Port Auth. is a little over 3 miiles from my work and since my foot is killing me...I ain't waking I end up paying 10.00 each way plus picking up other people to share the ride...cabbies making a nice wad charging each person 10.00 for the people that don't know that or about the flat rates and then get surprised when the cabbie said "10.00....EACH"

The flat rate is actually a cheaper ride for me then a metered ride...10.00 vs. 12-13.00 in the morning and 13-16.00 at night during heavy traffic.

Vin 12-21-2005 09:13 AM

It's utter bullshit. I can see why they (the TWU) are striking, and I sorta feel for them -- but Toussaint is making ridiculous demands. A 10.5% raise isn't enough?!

Mike295 12-21-2005 09:30 AM

its bullshit the twu wasnts to decrease their retirement age to 50 from 55 (which is a crock of shit) they want to not pay 10 bucks for health coeverage. these fuckers are greedy fucks. this strike although i am indirectly affected (and my wife was affected ) really pisses me off big time. I absolutly hate pay raises across the board. Its bullshit raises should be becasue of merit.

soda7o 12-21-2005 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by mike195
its bullshit the twu wasnts to decrease their retirement age to 50 from 55 (which is a crock of shit) they want to not pay 10 bucks for health coeverage. these fuckers are greedy fucks. this strike although i am indirectly affected (and my wife was affected ) really pisses me off big time. I absolutly hate pay raises across the board. Its bullshit raises should be becasue of merit.

the drive to work has never been better for me.. today i made it inot the city inabout 20 minutes and found freeparkign.. :)

bTW fuck the transit workers

vice86 12-21-2005 10:53 AM

I mean...i know the MTA has some valid arguments...but they're not even allowed to strike and that homo jamaican dude went over someone's head and called a strike..he wasn't even allowed to.

Kennedy 12-21-2005 10:54 AM

They get raises they can't even live off of

Vin 12-21-2005 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kennedy
They get raises they can't even live off of

I don't know anyone who's getting raises that can compete with the rising cost of living.

Mike295 12-21-2005 11:38 AM

raises should be becasue you are doing your job exceptionaly not becasue the union got more money for you. union raises are bullshit. all it does is promote shitty workmen skills and shitty service. No one strives to get promoted and or do good work becasue they know they will get a raise no matter what so people do shitty work.

soda7o 12-21-2005 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Kennedy
They get raises they can't even live off of

hey jack ass... let me tell you somethign...
they want to fucking much..
fireman and police retire after 20 years of service.. MTA whichis not a city run org retires after 30... they wan tto retire after 20 as police and fireman risk their lives everysingle fucking day and have a much more dangerouse and hard job than the fucking MTA ass holes non educated fucks.
I think that the Firemen and police shoudl retire after 20 caus eif they survive 20 yers onthe job they deserve it... these MTA fuckers dont deserve anythign

now on to the raises.. in normal companies raises and bonuses are determined by the economy if economy does shitty we either get next to nothing or we get pay cuts. nothing is gauranteed... now whay teh fuck should we gaurantee their raises.. ??????? and dont mention the damn surplus. as bad as it si everycomany has a surlus at the end of teh year if they did well .. u know what they do with it.. they fucking reinvest and save it for a rainy day so they dont go out of business and not just giveit lal back and have nothign to lean back on... all of fortune 100 500 companies haev insane surpluese do u see allof Goldman sachs or bear stearns employees striking.. NO!! caue we are rational people and know we can be replaced easly jus tliek these fuckers for the mta...

Now, raises and salary increases never ever match inflation an dthe increase of living especially in NY.. i say fuck em all fire tham and than hire them back at half.. UNION is just a crock of shit...
and i Know you are going to what about pension and benifits.. well noone gets free pension and benifits NO ONE... so why should they be diffirent..

Now on to some personal fucking issue s i have with the fucking MTA.
1- the nyc transit has been aorudn for decades.. why th efuck is it evrytime it rains or snow trains break down.. hello figure this shit out.. we can send a man to the fucking moon and clone shit but we cant fucking fix the train track
2- evrytime there is adelay i am late for work.. eachhour is $$$ money to me.. so beaucse of these fuckers i loose about 4k a year.. FUck youpay me!
3- clean the fucking trians up. i am paying 2 bucksa trip can i have a train with workign doors, working andno n leaking windoes, can i have a train with working fucking AC? can a train be heated? can you fuciing clena up the grime andshit ofthe seats? cany please fucking get the homeless smelly bums outof the fucking train?
4 - fix the fucking speaker... what ever you blur over the speaker is not fucking understandable.. "NExt stop is SSHIBinshibnsbsi" what the fuck????

and there is more...

ohyea an dfuck the MTA for this walk out.. all they are doing is loosing th ecity money, loosing themselves money, and loosing the MTA money.. all that is doing is raising Taxes and fares ohyeah and they ar emaking our lives hell during the holiday season also i am now spending more money on gas and parking..i thinki will file osme sort of class action lawsuit to get reimburstment for my expenses during the strike and damages... FUCK them All
so a big fuck you to the mTA oh yeahand a big fuck u to the train conducter who stoped his train at 3 am on the day of teh strike inthe middle of the ghettho and made al the people walk home thru the ghetto in the freezing cold...
hope your fucking kids looses a testicle..


ok i thinki am done

Vin 12-21-2005 11:51 AM

Easy there guys, this discussion can get pretty heated as it deals with both politics and money. Soda, chill with the name calling stuff.

Also, the MTA and the TWU are two seperate entities. The TWU from what I understand is a subset of a larger Transit Worker International Union, which does NOT CONDONE the strike. The parent union has in fact turned their back on Union Leader Toussaint.


The courts, the mayor, the governor, and some frustrated commuters are all coming down hard on the TWU for walking off the job, as is the union’s parent’s union. In a statement on TWU International's website, the union’s president Michael O'Brien says: "I told them that the only road to contract victory for the membership was not by strike but continued negotiation."

carl_g 12-21-2005 12:07 PM

Fuck the MTA!!!!!!!!!!

Vin 12-21-2005 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by ism409
Fuck the MTA!!!!!!!!!!

Fight the power!!!!

soda7o 12-21-2005 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Vin
Fight the power!!!!

yeah i just needed to vent VIN.. i mean i am loosing sleep wasting mad money onparking and gas and inconvininecing my self...
i do know the diff betwenn each one i am just generaling and callingthem the MTA they are all at fault but two wrongs do not make a right!

Vin 12-21-2005 12:17 PM

I'm waiting for the lawsuits from the commuters to start coming up against the TWU and/or MTA. That should be fun...

soda7o 12-21-2005 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Vin
I'm waiting for the lawsuits from the commuters to start coming up against the TWU and/or MTA. That should be fun...

me too... illjoin some kind of calss action against anyone at this point...

but it will never happen and if it does it will never go thru.. ( i already asked my cousin he i s alawer and said no way lol)

but it be funto see who thinks of what and who to sue

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