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Mike295 04-10-2007 08:17 PM

Nappy hair HOES!!!
hahaha ohh my god..

first off I cant belive people actually listen to Imus the guy is older then dirt.
Secondly... who the fuck listens to Imus /??/

Thirdly.. this is a prime example of the pusification of America... someone says something you dont like automaticly the extremists come out of the woodwork and ask for the persons head on a platter. I for one could care less about imus but my god

Al Sharpton is a opertunist who only comes out screaming at the top of his lungs when it is a racial issue but it someone calls him out on his anti semitism he wont say a work...

Fuck sharpton. fuck imus Ohh and another thing who the fuck watches womens basketball? honestly

John712 04-10-2007 08:24 PM

and just in case everybody didnt hear it the 1st time


jcblitz 04-10-2007 08:32 PM

Imas been around long enough that he should just go out with a bang. Hold a press conference and just lay into anyone that is saying he did something wrong. Offending someone is not illegal, and "nappy headed hos" isn't even that bad. If you spend more than 15 minutes outraged at this you are ridiculous and an attention whore.

High_Revs_17 04-10-2007 08:40 PM

I can't get enough of Anthony's impression of him, he was doing it this morning on O&A. HYA-HYA-HYA-HYA...

As for this bullshit...what else is new...

PSYCHO1000R 04-10-2007 09:43 PM

i was just argueing about this same shit today.. IM SO SICK OF HEARING ABOUT THIS IMUS BULLSHIT... yeh he shouldnt have said it , it was stupid, but fucking get over it already!!! who cares!!! theres a war going on, people dying, and this stupid shit is front page news... I fear for this country in the next 20 years..if all we have to concern ourselves with is what some old dick says on the radio about a womens basketball team, yet theres way worse shit on a rap CD, and who anna nichols baby daddy is.

maybe im just getting old and crabby?

John712 04-10-2007 09:56 PM

OH JUST WAIT. for HOT97 to say white boy, honkey or something along those lines, because im gonna start up this big controversy!

Redlinerider 04-10-2007 11:36 PM

i heard he called Kramer for advise before he made the comment:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

PSYCHO1000R 04-11-2007 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Redlinerider (Post 64911)
i heard he called Kramer for advise before he made the comment:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

lol :ohmygod:

njf4i 04-11-2007 08:03 AM

It was a joke gone bad and publicity whore Rev Al had to get involved. I think this is all BS and he is gonna loose his job over something stupid.

Why doesn't rev al find something worth while to fight for instead of crap.

CBRBob 04-11-2007 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by njf4i (Post 64919)
Why doesn't rev al find something worth while to fight for instead of crap.

The crap he himself put on Tawana Brawley and claimed whites did it? Oh yea, many of you don't even remember that and somehow nothing happened to Rev Al. on that one....... :nopity:

soda7o 04-11-2007 09:45 AM

what did he say ?

Smokes35 04-11-2007 10:21 AM

Heres what i dont understand...

This world is full of bigots and prejudice assholes... black, white, asian, martian, hispanic, indian, middle eastern, persian, etc. The world is chock full of ignorant fucks that have branded each and every one of us before we walk through the door. What we're looking at isnt a responce to some idiot, what we're looking at is a socio-cultural rift. Fuck that its not a rift is a chasam. We;re look right down into the grand canyon of problems that, if you ask me, will end up leading to the total socio-economic destruction of black people in the united states.

The problem we're facing is not the bigot. It's the victim. IM SORRY, you can call me any name in this world. ANY. and the only time it ever has ANY credence, is if I, ME, MYSELF decides to verfiy it. Ant, youre a slant eye. Joey Cakes, you're short. IM FAT AND LOOK LIKE BIG FOOT/BIFF. ffej, you're a white honkey mother fucker. Barb,, you're a C U Next Tuesday with no rthym. Does any of that mean anything? NO... IT DOSENT MEAN SHIT AND FALLS ON DEAF EARS IF THERE IS NO REACTION...

There are people who have made HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on creating false rage and offence. Here are a few names. i refuse to call him a reverend, because that assumes hes a man of God... but-- Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Ferrakhan, Koffi Anaan and yes, Even Martin Luther King-- but i'll get to him a second. These men have exploited not only their own community, but sold themselves to a cause that in all actually, has no basis in fact (this doesnt apply to MLK). They create these victims out of print, type, text, and audio-clip... all of which have absolutely no direct effect on anyones life at hand.

Heres what worries me. You read about shit like Pac Man Jones, Tank Johnson, Chris Henry, Allen Iverson, Ron Artest, Puff Daddy, etc etc etc... The very elite of the African American Community are nothing but run of the mill thugs. Period. The problem we face is the following. We're idolizing the scum of the earth. We're supporting the very people that dont see their idea of success buy what they can do with their money-- Start a charity, buy a huge house, give it orphans, start a college fund (see oprah, bill cosby, etc)-- we're supporting people who feel that because they have money, they're un-touchable. as a pop-culture society, we dont see the success of most black people by how much money they make, we rate the success by how much they can get away with.... Sure, they have to be tallented in sports, business, music, the arts, etc-- but at the end of the day, you're not selling records unless you've got a rap sheet-- no pun intended.

Look at it this way. Martin Luther King opened his first church right next to the capital building. He did this becuase he wanted dearly to be a politician. He did, however have a dream... a dream of a colorless society. Great messsage, one i firmly believe we should all live by. but then theres malcom X... a riotous, bigot himself. The man hurdled to the political and social forefront by chanting a message of kill whitey. What im worried is that we, as a society, not as any race in particular, are starting to hold the Malcom X way of life up as reighteous and burrying the message of Martin Luther King buy creating false victimhood and social duress.

If all it takes is ONE sentence, or even ONE word to hold down an ENTIRE group of people... How can you ever expect them to become anything more than just a victim? Of course there are exceptions, OF COURSE the majority of African-Americans do not see themselves as victims and shrug the statements of men like Don Imus right off... The problem is, just like in Islam, its the group that screams the loudest that gets the most attention, thus creating false-truths and sterotypes that the entire black community is useless... These are the same reasons men like Dr. Walter Williams, Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, and even Kobe Bryant are canabalized by their own people... It seems the more tiger wins, the more white he is-- isnt that sad? maybe if he shoots a spectator with a camera phone and his caddy takes the rap he'll have more street cred?

What we're looking at is a generation of young men that idolize the criminal element or society and do their best to act like them, knowing that they can fall back on the "Awww shit, the mans keeping me down cuz im black" and thats gonna make every one run for the hills in fear of being called a racist. Its all horse shit...

If someone calls you a nigger and you dont care... YOU DONT EMPOWER THE PIECE OF SHIT THAT CALLED YOU THAT NAME... Why is that so difficult to unerstand? If someone calls you a nappy head ho, and the media outlets and the school dont go off into this political shit storm of a tornado, who ends up put out? If you ask me, it makes Don Imus look like an idiot, lends him NO credibility, and people stop listening to his show... The more attention you give this situation, the more you;ve empower Don Imus... you've increased his ratings and subjected even more people to his kind of thinking-- you've done nothing but add fuel to his fire... If you ignore the scum, they'll either become something different or fade from existance...

I offer everyone this piece of advice. Grow up. Dont let the things people that dont mean anything to you have the power to control you. If you let the slurs, name calling, and such get to you, you've given the bigot control. Get over it, get over yourself, and worry about only the things you, yourself can control. Its funny-- the people that work hard and stay out of trouble are the ones standing on top of the pile at the end of the day.... go figure.

soda7o 04-11-2007 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Smokes35 (Post 64940)
It seems the more tiger wins, the more white he is-- isnt that sad? maybe if he shoots a spectator with a camera phone and his caddy takes the rap he'll have more street cred?

Smoke a good post.. did yousmoke some "dro" before typing that?
anyway this is the best quote ever... tiger woods :lol: i wan tot see tiger woods and his posse stomp out some spectators at the next event... yeah bitches...!!!

BTW i am starting the United Whitey College Fund and the association of jewish accountants (and not the balck jewis in the crazy outifts you see in time square yelling about some crap and saying.."read on...") and maybe even an all white college... I want to see rioting people.. lets AL and Jesse and everyone else call me a racist...

Barbi 04-11-2007 10:55 AM

:( I have no rhythm?


soda7o 04-11-2007 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Barbi (Post 64944)
:( I have no rhythm?

its not you sweetheart.. its actually all white people.. :nopity:

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