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Smokes35 08-25-2005 03:46 PM

Buckle your seat belts...

Hey, just wanted to introduce myself..

Im smokes, im from pittsburgh, PA-- and Crammer refered me here-- just wanted to show my face and say hello....

Im a track addict as well-- its very habbit forming---


I have a tendency to say rediculous things-- please dont take me to seriously--



Vin 08-25-2005 04:22 PM

Welcome to the site! And we have plenty of whackjobs here anyway. I'm sure you'll fit in. ;)

Kawibabe 08-25-2005 04:24 PM

Welcome!!! :wave2:

soda7o 08-25-2005 04:25 PM

i was in pitts this past weekend at the steelres game...

what do you ride... and welcoem

AfricanBootyScratcher 08-25-2005 04:29 PM


Taz 08-25-2005 04:56 PM

Welcome to the site :wave2: Like vinny said you will fit right in. Enjoy!

Cakes206 08-25-2005 05:54 PM

Welcome aboard :biggthump

Roxy26 08-25-2005 06:07 PM

Welcome! :wave2:

JasonB 08-25-2005 08:45 PM

Welcome 2 the site

Qetesh 08-25-2005 09:12 PM

Welcome to SBA :wave2: I hope you enjoy the site. No worries, like Vinny said, plenty of whackos here to keep you (and them) entertained :lol:

I used to live just outside of the city, in the North Hills. Had family in the South Hills, Brentwood and Carrick. I miss Pitt, but going to Beaverun several times a year gives me a chance to visit!

What club do you do your trackdays with and what do you ride?

Smokes35 08-25-2005 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Qetesh
I used to live just outside of the city, in the North Hills. Had family in the South Hills, Brentwood and Carrick. I miss Pitt, but going to Beaverun several times a year gives me a chance to visit!

What club do you do your trackdays with and what do you ride?

South hills? Me too-- Mt. Lebanon to be exact... theres a good possibility i might know someone in your family-- spent my fair share of time out that way....

I ride a 2002 TL1000R, which beaverun, unfortuantely, claimed as its little bitch yesterday... nice little low side in turn 7, but--- its just a slider, some plastic, and a clutch lever to get me back on the road... errr track... i got super lucky... leathers are trashed tho-- no injuries other than a sore shoulder...

U can find me mostly at Team Pro-Motion days, and the occasional Sport Bike Track Time ones as well...

heres some pics of the poor little bike...

and some of the fooked up leathers...

Ripp53 08-26-2005 07:35 AM

welcome to the site.

FigNewTon 08-26-2005 09:11 AM

Welcome to SBA Smokes

Qetesh 08-26-2005 01:59 PM

Damn, glad to hear you're okay and that the damage to the TL was minimal. At least your leathers did their job. Now you can get a new and better suit ;)

Turn 7, isn't that the left hand kink at the bottom of the hill? What happened? Go in too hot?

Were you at the 8/13 & 8/14 dates at Beaverun with TPM? We were there. We'll also be there 9/24 and 9/25. I'm on a primered F4i with a red tank, #471 (white group) and Joe (Cakes) is on a yellow SV650 with gixxer bodywork, #982 (red group).

Smokes35 08-26-2005 02:17 PM

Yea, thats the up hill left hander---

wasnt going in to hot at all-- i was running some sportech M-1 metzeler tires-- they were on the end of their 3rd track day--- and the rear end just had no traction and just slid right out from underneath me... it was super weird-- better upgrade to some better tires...

i was there on the 14th as well... i think i remember the red F4i with the primered plastics... i started the day in white, then ended up in red-- cakes-- does he have his name stiched on the back of his leathers?? If so-- hes one smoooooooth rider.

we definately have to get together one of these days-- networking baby networking-- gotta find some other track addicts.

Qetesh 08-26-2005 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Smokes35
Yea, thats the up hill left hander---

wasnt going in to hot at all-- i was running some sportech M-1 metzeler tires-- they were on the end of their 3rd track day--- and the rear end just had no traction and just slid right out from underneath me... it was super weird-- better upgrade to some better tires...

i was there on the 14th as well... i think i remember the red F4i with the primered plastics... i started the day in white, then ended up in red-- cakes-- does he have his name stiched on the back of his leathers?? If so-- hes one smoooooooth rider.

we definately have to get together one of these days-- networking baby networking-- gotta find some other track addicts.

Oh shit! You were gridded up behind me when we had to come in for a red flag. I got off my bike and went up to you, asked you if you were about to pass me? Is that you? If so, I could hear you coming from a mile away :LOL:

When you lowsided the other day, were you running the track counter-clockwise? Clockwise, the uphill turn is right hander (T5) and at the top is a left (T6) and then T7 is the downhill.

Yeah, Joe has "Cakes" stitched on the back of his leathers. I'm sure he'll pop in this thread any time now :lol:

We definatly all need to hook up at the next Beaverun day. We'll give ya some cards if you're interested in handing them out to other riders in your area.

FYI, SBA has a deal with Fred Voit. He's offering all SBA members a discount on their CD's ;) PM Joe (Cakes) for all the info.

Cakes206 08-26-2005 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Smokes35
-- cakes-- does he have his name stiched on the back of his leathers?? If so-- hes one smoooooooth rider.

Thanks for compliment man...appreciate that...Definitely come find us at Beaver in EZ-up, red Trailblazer with a big ass SBA logo sticker on the back window...SBA has an agreement with the track photographer there...ALL your pics from the weekend on a cd for $40...can't beat that...check out the sticky in the track day forum for more details...

Smokes35 08-26-2005 02:34 PM

Thanks for the info about Freddy Voit... i hate how he wont let me right click and save! AH! out smarted again!

I guess the TL does get a little loud-- i think someone may have come up to me... but not really sure-- the days just blurr together at my ripe old age....

I wrecked in the lefty at the top of the hill, technically, the turn in is still up hill, Mr. Details! I guess i got my turn numbers mixed up... i concider turns 2-3-4 to be one big turn anyways. but yea, the left turn right before the down hill right is there my bike got squirrely... it ended up stopping its slide in the middle of the hill-- was quite impressive... looked like an out of control yellow and black merry go round.

Cakes206 08-26-2005 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Smokes35
I wrecked in the lefty at the top of the hill, technically, the turn in is still up hill, Mr. Details! I guess i got my turn numbers mixed up... i concider turns 2-3-4 to be one big turn anyways. but yea, the left turn right before the down hill right is there my bike got squirrely... it ended up stopping its slide in the middle of the hill-- was quite impressive... looked like an out of control yellow and black merry go round.

The left after you crest the uphill is T-5 I believe...carefull with 2-3-4...from the begining of 2 to the exit of 3 you want to make one turn...that short shoot right before 4 is a nice little passing zone so just be carefull right in that spot.

Oh and yea...Fred is an awesome guy...takes some kick ass pics too...I buy a cd every time I'm there...

Smokes35 08-26-2005 02:49 PM

damn it-- we need a map-- and some label the damn turns-- ha

i know what your talking about-- i like to late apex that last right before the uphill right and pass people down that straight.

Cakes206 08-26-2005 03:48 PM

Cool...nuther tip, before the downhill right...theres a white painted square right in the middle of the track...hit that and tip it in for the downhill...its the smoothest line right there.

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