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Radioactiveage 01-27-2008 01:16 PM

Rode my bike for the first time.
So I never had a lesson in my life.

I hop on, put on the helmet.

I pull the clutch, start it.

I shift it into gear and release the clutch.

It jumps and stalls.

I'm like. FUCK.

So I start it up,

Put in gear, release the clutch slower.

It jumps and stalls.


I put it in gear again, I SLOWLY release the clutch. And I start to accelerate.

My feet are in the air. I'm like, OMG!

I hug the bike, I get to the end of my drive way I hit the breaks to make the turn and it stalls.

I'm like FUCK.

I start it. release the clutch.
It jumps and stalls


I start it, SLOWLY release the clutch, and I move forward. I drive like 10 miles per hour down the block. I reach the turn, this time I pull the clutch and the breaks together make the turn, slowly release the clutch, accelerate down the next portion of block.

This time I slow down for the turn and feel the bike rumble so I hit the clutch, I make the turn, release clutch quickly, I JUMP forward.

I continue down the block.

Now for the last right turn before I am back home. The problem here is it is a hill.

I turn, I hit the clutch and the breaks and coast alll the way down.

I get to my spot. I pull in. breaks clutch and all. I put up the stand and release the handle bars but I forgot to move it to nuetral so It JUMPS forward and my foot peddle hit my car then I hit the engine cut off switch.


Now I'm gonna change my underpants.....

JimRBlue 01-27-2008 01:22 PM

MSF course... Quickly.. Sign up.. Learn..

John712 01-27-2008 01:23 PM

Nice, but I suggest you practice in a wide open lot somewhere. And still take the MSF Course :D

Radioactiveage 01-27-2008 01:51 PM

I cannot take the course period. my schedule won't allow it. Maybe in a few months, until then I gotta ride around the block.

After cooling off, I went back on it, and smoothly went around the block, not just once, but twice. I didn't stall except for the very beginning.

This time instead of going over the speed hump I went around it, by the curb. How daring! I'm such a law breaker. OMFGWTF.

Its gonna be a while till I am ready for the road with traffic on it.

Right now, just round the block 10000 times. I hope I'll be able to turn left, all those right turns.

Lucky7 01-27-2008 02:14 PM

I hope it's not a brand-spanking new bike if your are learning this way you will drop it.

I know you are pressed for time but seriously, MAKE the time for the MSF course. You will learn to ride much safer on the street and avoid developing bad riding habits.

Marker54 01-27-2008 02:23 PM

Well this story didn't end as I expected...oh's not over!.:ohmygod:

J/K, keep at it man, and strongly consider everybody's advice on the class, its so worth it.

jcblitz 01-27-2008 02:37 PM

That is the exact experience my neighbor had. Here are his results.

Wrecked R6

Wrecked R1 (I can't find the picture, but he had it 2 days and totaled it)

If you don't have the time for the course, I hope you have time for a hospital stay or money to keep replacing motorcycles. This guy gave up after he low sided his R1 into a guard rail right in front of me. He had his license btw, I have no idea how the DMV issues licenses to obviously inadequate riders.

CBRBob 01-27-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Radioactiveage (Post 81289)
Now I'm gonna change my underpants.....

You know, we can't make you take the class. There is more to riding than the physical aspect of it. Riding around the block 10,000 times is the same riding around the block once when you have no guide to gauge if you are actually doing better or worse.

Classes start 1st weekend in April. A while after, weekday classes are offered. We can't make you learn, but the typical end to this story is, how you crashed while riding with friends,something about sand in the road you didn't see or that 35 in a 30 was way too fast. Make the time, it's only your life....:nopity:

JimRBlue 01-27-2008 02:46 PM

Take the class.. It's hard enough learning the basics. There are enough unskilled riders out there.

John712 01-27-2008 02:59 PM

I'm riding just about 10 years and it wasnt up until last summer I sold my street bike because i had a near miss with a tractor trailer, to this day I still feel the back end of the trailer and my right shoulder rubbing each other, that made me sell the bike. I no longer ride on the street.

Just when you think you are a good rider, no matter how long you been riding shit always happens. And being unexperienced, something will definately happen.

Radioactiveage 01-27-2008 04:01 PM

I work.....

1pm to 10pm Monday Through Thursday.

8am to 12 Monday morning

6-10:30 Friday

8am to 7pm Saturday

You know a course that can work around that schedule? I'll be happy to take it!

Cakes206 01-27-2008 04:03 PM

You're not allowed to take ANY days off? No vacation, no personal time, nothing well in advance?

Radioactiveage 01-27-2008 04:13 PM

Well yea, but nothing for the next few months. Anyway, no classes available until april. So what do I do? Sit around and wait?

Respect_My_Authorita 01-27-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Radioactiveage (Post 81316)
Well yea, but nothing for the next few months. Anyway, no classes available until april. So what do I do? Sit around and wait?

its worth the wait. do it right. I rode motorcycles for many years before i came into this country but i did not want to take a chance, i took MSF and then bought my bike.

CBRBob 01-27-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Radioactiveage (Post 81316)
Well yea, but nothing for the next few months. Anyway, no classes available until april. So what do I do? Sit around and wait?

Well, we could read about you in the paper. What's the big rush? You already rode the bike and cursed up a storm. What's that tell you. You can't wait to get hurt? You have the bike, get the right gear. Take the 2-day class. You will only have to take off a Sat. since you are already off Sunday. Relax and have fun or rush in not knowing what you are doing and get killed or worse.

High_Revs_17 01-27-2008 05:38 PM

I understand that you're sharing your experiences with us because it's new and exciting, and that's great, however we're not trying to berate you, we're simply trying to offer the best advice we can to protect a new rider that does not have the full scope of what operating a motorcycle truly entails. Please do not go out into traffic on any main roads until you're properly trained, but in the mean time just keep getting the feel of the bike, and try to improve on the basics like your doing only on your street, but the problem is there's no one with experience next to you to point out your mistakes and bad habits. Just keep this idea in mind as you practice: all functions on a bike should be smooth, gradual, and uniform, i.e. slow steady pace to release the clutch, the same goes for applying both brakes with a nice even squeeze of the lever, and the throttle with a nice even twist, just keep it smooth.

JimRBlue 01-27-2008 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by High_Revs_17 (Post 81319)
I understand that you're sharing your experiences with us because it's new and exciting, and that's great, however we're not trying to berate you, we're simply trying to offer the best advice we can to protect a new rider that does not have the full scope of what operating a motorcycle truly entails. Please do not go out into traffic on any main roads until you're properly trained, but in the mean time just keep getting the feel of the bike, and try to improve on the basics like your doing only on your street, but the problem is there's no one with experience next to you to point out your mistakes and bad habits. Just keep this idea in mind as you practice: all functions on a bike should be smooth, gradual, and uniform, i.e. slow steady pace to release the clutch, the same goes for applying both brakes with a nice even squeeze of the lever, and the throttle with a nice even twist, just keep it smooth.

Alas.. The squid stop legend has a new birth..:doh:

Kennedy 01-27-2008 08:17 PM

Does it happen to be an 03/04 zx6r? Cause that would be sweet if I could get some spares.

Sue 01-27-2008 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by JimRBlue (Post 81320)
Alas.. The squid stop legend has a new birth..:doh:

:roflmao: I can relate to this... :nod2:

JimRBlue and High Revs Ron were at my MSF classes for support and advice. And trust me I needed it! Even AFTER taking the class I was not ready for anything other than more parking lot practice. Even the 2 course instructors told the entire class NOT to go out onto the roads after completing the course. They told all of us we now had the basic skills and knowledge but were not "road ready" until after more practice.

And my first go at it was on our neighbor's dirtbike in a parking lot. Jim and the neighbor tried to teach me and I did "okay" but kept stalling the bike. I eventually made a turn too wide and than tried to compensate and almost drove straight into our garage door. The bike fell and I fell with it. I was lucky because I only banged up my knee.


John712 01-27-2008 08:59 PM

Were not trying to keep you from riding or making fun of you, were just trying to have you do as said above. Last thing we want to do is read about you or any other for that matter in the paper.

Riding a motorcycle is no joke, the second you sit on the bike and start it, then start rolling your life in jeopardy goes up by 80% It may not be rider error, but most of the time rideres do not know what to do because of the other person in a car, soccer mom SUV ETC

causef0rconcern 01-27-2008 09:37 PM

When I had my first bike, I rode that thing every single day around my neighborhood and sometimes even to work, no license, no MSF. It was stupid and foolish, but if I was in the situation again, I would probably do the same thing, again. Like you said, there's no way to just sit there and wait and wait without getting on the thing.

Take the class as soon as you can, and until then, if you really can't help yourself, keep getting yourself familiar with the clutch/throttle and stuff like that. Do it in WIDE OPEN UNPOPULATED parking lots or barren local roads; don't start trying to deal with traffic and pedestrians 'cause then all these guys will be proven right. And really, they are right, but its unrealistic to think people like us have any ounce of self control when theres a sweet bike in front of us.

Just be aware that, although you may think you're doing great, whenever you fainlly do get to the MSF course, you may find out you've been cementing terrible habits and it will be difficult to start fresh again.

opinion914 01-27-2008 10:40 PM

meet up w/ a few competent riders in the area, find a spot where you wont get harrassed or do any harrassing and a few hours going over starting, breaking, tight turns.. some panic type things and in a few weeks of practicing you'll start to get the hang of it. be warned though, its dangerous so keep an open mind and put the pride aside.

RAC 01-28-2008 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by CBRBob (Post 81318)
Relax and have fun or rush in not knowing what you are doing and get killed or worse.

What could be worse than getting killed¿¿

Take the class!!!

Cakes206 01-28-2008 09:29 AM

Just about every new driver around the age 16 gets taken to an empty parking lot on a Sunday to practice parallel parking before taking their road test...or even just to practice afterwards. Why should a bike be any different? Can have someone ride it to a parking lot for you and can practice there until April.

bondo 01-28-2008 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Radioactiveage (Post 81289)
So I never had a lesson in my life.
...Now I'm gonna change my underpants.....

Can't attend a lesson until the spring?

Get a small dirtbike and learn shifting, clutch, brakes, leaning, stopping/turning on a loose surface, etc. You can drop it all you want and you probably won't break anything. Here's one
Once you learn how to ride, that mini bike will be a ton of fun when you are not riding on the street. The first crash you DON'T have on the street bike will pay for the mini bike.

Practice makes perfect, but only if you are practicing correctly.

CBRBob 01-28-2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by RAC (Post 81377)
What could be worse than getting killed¿¿

As a friend would tell people........
When your significant other has to re-insert the cathedar because it fell out and now you are urinating all over yourself and can't help it because you are a paraplegic who can't stop drooling because of the brain damage......etc.

RAC 01-28-2008 10:38 AM

point well made bob....

FDNYDANO18 01-28-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by RAC (Post 81377)
What could be worse than getting killed¿¿

Take the class!!!

Being maimed and crippled.... alive in a dead body.....I'd say thats worse

ImmaSquashYou 01-28-2008 04:29 PM

i did a two day course for the msf. full day sat n full day on sun.

This is my story of how getting a bike.

Registering my minivan and decided lets see if i can pass the permit for a motorcycle. Did this on Wed n passed. Looked for a bike on wed, to sat. On Sat. bought my F4I.

Tried to get insurance so i can practice with my friend, but realized no one would give me insurance unless i had a license. So i couldn't register it without insurance so i was in a Catch 22 situation. since i can't practice and there would be no way to get my license. Signed up for the Safety Course on tues. Luckily had a spot for that weekend. Pass the course, for the license on Monday, as well as insurance and registered it.

I was one without ANY experience, and got everything settled and done with in about 2 weeks. It tooks a few months practice before i got good. But even after i took the course, i was still having trouble turning.

During that period, i rode around my development twice and then realized there's going to be a consequence if i keep doing this. Even though my urge to ride the bike was so great, i couldn't do it fearing the loss of license for riding without plates, insurance, and motorcycle license. Fearing for totalling the bike i HAD just bought and hurting someone when i don't have ANY insurance at all.

If you really need to, you will find a way. Just trying to let you know that if you want it done, it can be. Regardless of how the scheduling is, i'm sure you can take a sick day unless your job is so intense that you're not even allowed to get sick on a sat and will be fired for it. Having the bike sit in the garage is rough, but its better than to slide it. Cold weather calls for cold tires and debris on the road that was left on by salt trucks.

Just think about what you think is important to you the most. Riding the bike around a few times so you can get your enjoyment now, or risking ALL your enjoyment buy risking not knowing what you are doing and ruining your entire life because you couldn't simply hold back. Worse case scenario, give your keys t someone you trust and make sure they don't give it to you no matter what you try to them until you take the course. I'm sure with that in mind, you'll do everything in your power to complete the c ourse

High_Revs_17 01-28-2008 06:56 PM

Slowly squeeze the brake, put feet down, now listen closely, VRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


Originally Posted by JimRBlue (Post 81320)
Alas.. The squid stop legend has a new birth..:doh:

Radioactiveage 01-29-2008 09:29 PM

Okay I will take the course.

The next available course is in 2 months....


My next door neighbor rides and will teach me, hes been doing it for many many many many many years and has experience teaching and is VERY safety conscious.

So until the course I will work with him in development of the proper habits and safety mindset for the road.


opinion914 01-29-2008 09:34 PM

forget the course, you're being mislead by a bunch of Jersey wimps. Just take your time, listen to those w/ more experience and spend the course money on decent gear instead. Not a pizza pie stunt gear..... decent apparel i mean. You can get 95% of what you would in a course just by working w/a decent buddy. Then again... If you practice on your own you run the risk of damaging your own bike as opposed to the classes..hmmmm, tough call.

CBRBob 01-29-2008 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Radioactiveage (Post 81500)
The next available course is in 2 months....

Well, if the class was available now, how would you feel taking it in 35degree rainy weather? You won't learn shit shaking in your boots, that's why we don't offer classes in the winter months. Also, sign up NOW, by the end of the week you will probably have to wait until May, they fill up quicky with people who have patience and want to learn. :ride:


Originally Posted by opinion914 (Post 81503)
forget the course, you're being mislead by a bunch of Jersey wimps.

Hmm, forever in white group is your future :doh:

Age, glad you are going to take the class. Where are you going to take it?

High_Revs_17 01-29-2008 10:09 PM

I think that's about all he should get outta that one Kev. ;) It's a 50/50 shot he finds someone that will actually not pass their bad habits onto him.


Originally Posted by opinion914 (Post 81503)
listen to those w/ more experience and spend money on decent gear.

tommymac 01-29-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by CBRBob (Post 81506)
Well, if the class was available now, how would you feel taking it in 35degree rainy weather? You won't learn shit shaking in your boots, that's why we don't offer classes in the winter months. Also, sign up NOW, by the end of the week you will probably have to wait until May, they fill up quicky with people who have patience and want to learn. :ride:

Hmm, forever in white group is your future :doh:

Age, glad you are going to take the class. Where are you going to take it?

kevin keeps buying new bikes just so he doesnt have to move up :lol:


opinion914 01-29-2008 10:19 PM

i was having too much fun in Red to think about white ever again.

Xracer264 01-30-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Radioactiveage (Post 81316)
Well yea, but nothing for the next few months. Anyway, no classes available until april. So what do I do? Sit around and wait?

What you could do is read. Read as many books about riding as possible. Keith Code's Twist of the wrist series, Nick Ienatsch's Sport Riding Techniques etc. This is how I "learned" how to ride a motorcycle. THEN i went out and practiced what I learned in a parking lot or industrial park that wasn't busy. Make time NOW and learn will only save your life and money later.

Ride safe....

Kennedy 01-30-2008 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Xracer264 (Post 81550)
What you could do is read. Read as many books about riding as possible. Keith Code's Twist of the wrist series, Nick Ienatsch's Sport Riding Techniques etc. This is how I "learned" how to ride a motorcycle. THEN i went out and practiced what I learned in a parking lot or industrial park that wasn't busy. Make time NOW and learn will only save your life and money later.

Ride safe....

+1 I have read all of those books prior to riding any motorcycle on the street and it really helped me in a couple of sticky situations.....Like the first day out with Nick and Xenos and the dump truck incident :lol:

SilverDragon 01-31-2008 02:29 PM

RAA - I'm reading your "testimonial" and thought back to when I started. I don't remember ever having those issues. First thing I did was take the class and the first things you're taught are how to safely get comfortable with the bike.
I got lucky and got my bike right after scheduling the class. The most I did with the bike was sit on it, and turn it on! :D
I know how you feel about not being able to wait especially with the bike just sitting there.
I'm happy to hear you'll attend the MSF, that's a hell of a schedule you got!

Good luck and Happy Safe Riding!

I wish I had a bike right about now. it's a hell of a January we're having!

CBRBob 01-31-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 81563)
+1 I have read all of those books prior to riding any motorcycle on the street and it really helped me in a couple of sticky situations.....

What did they say about following too closely :moocow: :nopity: :twak: :beat:

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