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CBRBob 11-06-2012 11:20 AM

Don't forget to vote for an AMERICAN today.

Cakes206 11-06-2012 05:46 PM

Voting right after work.

JimRBlue 11-06-2012 05:54 PM

Will be going shortly when sue gets home.

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-06-2012 09:04 PM

WOW according to some fuck puppets here I'm supposed to be slow but what do you mean by that? Are you perhaps insinuating that the current President isn't a American?!! Is that your lawn? Wait I know that's.......Broduer's lawn!!! either way I love that!!!

JasonB 11-06-2012 11:14 PM


CBRBob 11-07-2012 12:40 AM

The USA is dead. Get ready for the USSA.

JasonB 11-07-2012 12:53 AM

I'll vote to kick his ass out before that happens...

Ant 11-07-2012 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by JasonB (Post 113155)
I'll vote to kick his ass out before that happens...

It already did. :(

GinoE 11-07-2012 11:09 AM

the voting place I went to had those paper ballots. a machine scans where you colored in the little circles. reminded me of taking the SAT in highschool. if you didn't color in the circle correctly (perfectly), the answer was counted incorrect. hmmm, I wonder if my vote was counted.

SPL170db 11-07-2012 11:22 AM

I hope everyone wanted Barry to win lol

carl_g 11-07-2012 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ant (Post 113156)
It already did. :(

me too it didnt work :nopity:

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-07-2012 08:07 PM

We're doomed.:( What's more depressing is no hockey either.

SPL170db 11-08-2012 11:45 AM

CBRBob 11-08-2012 06:47 PM

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-08-2012 10:19 PM

Now for something diffrent...LOL:(

JasonB 11-09-2012 12:15 AM

WOW, just wow...
Damm shame

SPL170db 11-09-2012 12:27 AM

I thought we've been Spanish-America for a while now already lol

LaFemmes 11-09-2012 06:49 AM

Voted yesterday at 3, there was only 4 people in front of us, perfect!:nod2:

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-17-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by JasonB (Post 113175)

Holy Shit Jason...LOL That guy is a bit over the top huh?!:( I may not agree with Obama,Clinton,....ect. But to be a flat out bigot that's real fucked up.:(

FDNYDANO18 11-20-2012 01:21 AM

It's actually easy to understand... Recipients (and useful idiots)outnumber producers.... We will be paying $15 a gal for gas and $8 for a loaf of bread while we wait at the gubment clinic for the dokter of the day .
America voted for equality of outcome in this election and that is what we will have... We will all be poor and miserable together.

I'm not worried cause when it all comes off the rails I like my odds of surviving against the never employed and against the distantly masculine hipsters.:pistols::twak::rock:

JasonB 11-20-2012 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by FDNYDANO18 (Post 113212)
It's actually easy to understand... Recipients (and useful idiots)outnumber producers.... We will be paying $15 a gal for gas and $8 for a loaf of bread while we wait at the gubment clinic for the dokter of the day .
America voted for equality of outcome in this election and that is what we will have... We will all be poor and miserable together.

I'm not worried cause when it all comes off the rails I like my odds of surviving against the never employed and against the distantly masculine hipsters.:pistols::twak::rock:

I dont think that's going to happen.

CBRBob 11-20-2012 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by JasonB (Post 113213)
I dont think that's going to happen.

You it's never going to happen.

FDNYDANO18 11-20-2012 11:48 AM

Which? The $15 Gasoline or the "benefit riots"?

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-20-2012 10:10 PM

Interesting......when people are fed up with the bullshit something probably will happen. I just hope I'm dead before it really gets out hand.:( This summer I had jury duty for days...there were people doing insane shit and given sentences that didn't remotely fit the crime...then again your talking about Essex County Superior Court the very fabric of Liberalville!! :(

CBRBob 11-20-2012 10:59 PM

I heard some libtard today on the radio say "why must we always have to take the moral higher ground?"

Thats the problem, if its not what I want...waaaah. This 'what does it matter' crap. Just do it, legalize everything, including murdering your neighbor because his grass it too high...hmm?

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-21-2012 08:50 PM

Sadly to say your right this morning at about 5:35am the "progressive" shift was talking the usuall shit...then we start our shift and find all the things they don't or won't do...LOL I realize that our shitter plant was decimated by Sandy but I havevto go in the tunnels and down in the galleries and breathe that stuff in!! These fuck puppets get away with not doing their job using the old smoke and mirror routine...only thing is that dosen't work for everybody...and in case anybody was wondering two of them are white....YES THEY CAN!!! A fucking disgrace anything to dodge doing your job!:(

JasonB 11-23-2012 10:52 AM

Interesting on what the repubs think.


Jindal has been outspoken with his criticisms of his party since its loss last week, telling Politico on Monday that the GOP needs to "stop being the stupid party."

He said the GOP needs to offer an inclusive message to a wide range of voters to thwart the Democrats' characterization of them as the party of the rich.

Read more:

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-23-2012 10:27 PM

Not really sure their not telling the truth. Gifts are welfare,food stamps,lack of employment,...I see it everyday while I'm busting my ass the way of the new world or country.:( Judging by the way I'm taxed it almost makes to either be dirt poor or make no money and receive entitlement.:( on a lighter note my motorcycle insurance went down a whole $138 dollars!!! Another of example of how fucked up the system is....since I had my motorcycle license I was never in a bike accident and I'm paying $1400.00 for nine months because knuckleheads boost sport bikes then can't ride them and crash??!! Yes we can!!!!

JasonB 11-23-2012 10:57 PM

So Obama gave welfare, and foodstamps to minorities for their vote? I'm black, my son is black, my wife, sister, mother, father. No one in my family get or receive anything or any gifts from Obama.

He also won all the swing states except North Carolina. So the only people that voted for Obama were people who are now expecting gifts? Really??

CBRBob 11-24-2012 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by JasonB (Post 113223)
I'm black...

You're black? :confused:

FDNYDANO18 11-26-2012 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by JasonB (Post 113223)
So Obama gave welfare, and foodstamps to minorities for their vote? I'm black, my son is black, my wife, sister, mother, father. No one in my family get or receive anything or any gifts from Obama.

He also won all the swing states except North Carolina. So the only people that voted for Obama were people who are now expecting gifts? Really??

No, lots of people on some subsidy in our country... Nearly fifty percent of the population receives some sort of subsidy. And let's not forget the legions full of idiots who have been indoctrinated into believing our country is evil and needs to be cut down to size.... The manifesto is well on its way to fulfillment... Thanks to legions of useful idiots . Lots of people BELIEVE the Government should be running EVERYTHING.... And they will, eventually even stuff you don't want them too.

Fuzy_GSXR1000 11-29-2012 09:45 PM

More than few Americans think the entire country is poor and the only way to survive is entitlement.....they never heard of something that this country was built on......WORK!!! The people who voted democrat were the people who wanted a President who was going to give out more bennies. What makes my dick itch in the middle of night is when are people going to realize what this administration is aiming for?! Taxing the middle class and small business? Yeah yes we can!:(

carl_g 11-29-2012 10:12 PM

CBRBob 12-01-2012 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by ism409 (Post 113252)

I did hear they were there, they did 2 segments I believe.

JasonB 12-01-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by ism409 (Post 113252)

Dont think the increase in firearm purchases are because Obama was re-elected. If anyone thinks that, that's just fucked up. I would say is because people want to protect themselves from looters breaking into their house after another superstorm.


Originally Posted by Fuzy_GSXR1000 (Post 113251)
More than few Americans think the entire country is poor and the only way to survive is entitlement.....they never heard of something that this country was built on......WORK!!! The people who voted democrat were the people who wanted a President who was going to give out more bennies. What makes my dick itch in the middle of night is when are people going to realize what this administration is aiming for?! Taxing the middle class and small business? Yeah yes we can!:(

Dude. so you're telling me that people that voted for Obama are wanting more, "bennies"?

So you think this administration is aiming to tax the middle class more, (you and me) and tax small businesses? Think you have all wrong Mike.

Tell me what you think this administration is aiming for.

Fuzy_GSXR1000 12-02-2012 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by JasonB (Post 113257)
Dont think the increase in firearm purchases are because Obama was re-elected. If anyone thinks that, that's just fucked up. I would say is because people want to protect themselves from looters breaking into their house after another superstorm.

Dude. so you're telling me that people that voted for Obama are wanting more, "bennies"?

So you think this administration is aiming to tax the middle class more, (you and me) and tax small businesses? Think you have all wrong Mike.

Tell me what you think this administration is aiming for.

Jason I don't think I have it wrong when I get my years end pay stub then look at my federal and state return. I know for a fact that there people at where I work robbing and stealing from and program than can do. I have only two more paychecks left before New Years I'm over $15,000.00 for the Fed and close to three k for state!! I'll be lucky if I get what $3000.00 back? But if I had 7 kids,claim head of my crackhouse I'd get it all back. Bush gave married couples a break a few years back when these breaks end what do you think is going to happen then?:( Remember this has nothing to do race either Jason I didn't like Clinton much but I get hammered tax time.:( there are always kind of people in this world the ones who cheat and get away with it and the suckers that havev to much to risk to do that. I don't it would be wise for me to sell Herion at my job to supplement my income to take care of my wife,when if I get caught loose it all?! More to the point what shot do I have in that animal house they call Essex County Court where they multiple offender murders off everyday. It just dosen't seem to fair to me that a working person trying to take of their own gets crucified and the people robbing,rapping,stealing do better then we could ever do that isn't right and I'm sorry if I offend people for think this way!

JasonB 12-02-2012 09:23 PM

So if Romney would have won, all your taxes would have have gone down? Are you thinking that ALL of our taxes will go down?

CBRBob 12-03-2012 09:59 PM

Well, since nObamacare has been deemed a TAX, then at least they wouldnt go up. Which is what socialists, i mean democraps historically do. Tax and spend. BOHICA

Fuzy_GSXR1000 12-03-2012 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by CBRBob (Post 113262)
Well, since nObamacare has been deemed a TAX, then at lease they wouldnt go up. Which is what socialists, i mean democraps historically do. Tax and spend. BOHICA

Bob I didn't even mention what that is going to do to the pays stub. This is why I try not to get into this with most people....epically these last two's like this guy is bieng regarded as the second coming of Christ and what has he done? I make more and they take more and blame it on the wealthy. When his health plan really kicks in and more people notice it in their paycheck they still won't admit that it was this prince's fault.:( I think it's a shame that honest working people money is going where? George Bush tax credit is going south but it doesn't seem to be mentioned much.

JasonB 12-03-2012 11:00 PM

OK. So if Romney would have won, all would have been fixed?

Because of Obamacare, he's a socialist?

He won by over 100 electoral votes. Not a land slide, but kind of ass kicking.

Oh, an American was voted in.
Guess you guys are fans of Donald Trump.

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