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Cakes206 05-16-2005 02:00 PM

Track Day 101
Ok since there seems to be an influx of people seeing the light and heading up to track days I thought I would start up a post to help you out.
Riding the track is a much more fun experience IMO than riding on the street. Many riders give up on the street after a few track days. The feeling of taking your machine to its and your limits is an amazing experience.
First off contact your local track and find out when the track days are scheduled. Be sure to ask what requirements need to be met.
Here is a basic list of what most tracks *usually* require, again contact them to be sure.
Bike Prep
1. New or basically new tire. I would suggest getting some race tires, they will help out so much with your cornering speed it is not even funny.
2. Remove your mirrors, tape up lights. This usually is track to track. Some want you to take off your signals and mirrors completely, some just want taping. As far as taping up is concerned I would suggest getting colored duct tape. It seems to come off easier than the silver kind. I would not worry about making the tape really pretty, especially over your headlights; it is easier to take off if the tape is not flush over the lights. Also UNPLUG your lights; the duct tape will melt onto your upper. Disengage your brake light, and signals too! No one wants to see your signals blinking lap after lap nor your brake lights
3. Some tracks require full race bodywork. Basically they want a lower that will hold oil if you go down or your drain plug comes off.
4. Safteywire. This is when you must drill the heads of certain bolts on your bike then safteywire them together so if it comes loose it will not go flying at the guy behind you at 100mph. Safteywiring is an easy but time consuming process, but if you don't want things coming off the bike it is a good idea.
5. Get your suspension set up for your weight before the track day. Sure your suspension may feel fine for street riding with your girl but you are going to be putting it through the ringer at the track, your riding will be greatly increased with a tuned up suspension.
6. Steering Damper. Most tracks will require you have a working one. Tank slappers do happen a lot at the track, be sure your damper is in good working order.
7. Remove your license plate.
8. Change your oil, oil filter, clean/change air filter, check torque specs on all bodywork and outer bolts is a good idea.
9. If your track day requires you to go through tech, save yourself the headache and clean your engine before hand, make sure you have no oil leaks. Tech really loves a clean and tidy engine and bike, help them out and help you out.
10. I would suggest taping over your speedo too, it is a distraction and you do not need to know what your indicated speed is.
11. Be sure to find out if you need to replace your coolant with water. Some tracks require this.
You and your gear
1. Suit. 1 or 2 piece are usually fine. The 2 piece must zip completely around your waist.
2. Back protector. Not the foam pad in the back of your jacket but an underlying back protector.
3. Full Face SNELL approved helmet. Be sure to find out what year they want minimum. Some ask for 5 years or newer, some 10 years or newer.
4. Gloves. Gauntlet style road racing gloves.
5. Boots. Road race style boots.
7. Knee pucks. You may not drag on your first track day but make sure you have them!
Pit stuff
1. Air pressure gauge. I like the digital ones, small cheap and accurate. Your air pressure will be set much lower than street settings. If your track has trackside vendors talk to the tire man of your choice and see what they recommend. As a blanket idea of pressure on a warm day you will run around 30psi if not a little lower depending on weight, bike, temp ect. Check the pressure when the tires are COLD.
2. Race stands. You can use your side stand but it is better for your tires to lift the bike up after each session. Your tires become VERY soft when they are being balled up. Also remember to turn your tires right after you get into the pits a couple times. Your brake pads will be very hot and can warp your disk if you leave them in the same position for any long period of time.
4. Shade. Pop up shades are nice, back of the trailer, somewhere to get out of the sun.
5. LIQUIDS. Very important. Drink lots of water and Gatorade. Dehydration sucks.
6. Tools, bring a good socket set, wrenches, torque wrench, Service manual, extra duct tape ect. Sucks being without tools when you need them.
7. Food. You need to eat. lol
8. Notepad. You will learn a lot talking to others, it is good to take notes.
9. A buddy. VERY helpful. Bring a camera; they can take pictures of you during your sessions. Picts and video is also helpful when you go home, you can see how your body position is going.
10. Emergency contact sheet. Have it on you at all times. Just in case ya know, you are riding very fast with others doing the same thing, wrecks happen.
11. Gas can. One of those big 5 gal+ cans. You will go through at least one tank, again if there is a trackside vendor get some racing fuel!
12. Fire extinguisher. Most tracks require one to be in each pit and visible, don't toss it under a bunch of junk.
13. Seats, bring a lawn chair or two.
14. Pit bike. Bicycle, scooter, pocket bike ect. Sucks walking end to end in the pits in leathers.
15. Money, bring some extra cash in case you need more food, gas, parts ect.
16. SUNSCREEN. Especially for corner workers and spectators. Your going to be out there all day in the sun(providing it is sunny) better to be safe than sorry.

The night before your track day make a checklist. Go over each thing and make 100% sure you have it with you. It really sucks forgetting things.
That is all I can think of right now, be sure to add anything else I forgot.
I highly recommend anyone with at least a year of experience on the street take a track day or a race class. They may be pricey but IMO it is money WELL spent. This is what sportbikes are really made for, experience it in a controlled environment!

John712 05-17-2005 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Cakes
The night before your track day make a checklist. Go over each thing and make 100% sure you have it with you. It really sucks forgetting things.

when you load the bike on the trailor don't forget to take you BIKE KEY, i forgot it but remembered as i got no more then 1/2 mile from my house :)

CBRBob 06-05-2005 12:45 AM


TomMatas3 01-11-2006 04:40 PM

i will e doing my first track day and ART basic course this year @ pocono east! i appreciate this post.. i can't freaking wait til April 16th!! :boogie:

Cakes206 01-11-2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by TomMatas3
Art Basic@ pocono east! April 16th!! :boogie:

Beaver Run man...Beaver Run... :ohmygod:

High_Revs_17 01-11-2006 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cakes
Ok since there seems to be an influx of people seeing the light and heading up to track days I thought I would start up a post to help you out. Riding the track is a much more fun experience IMO than riding on the street. Many riders give up on the street after a few track days.

"IMO" is correct...but the rest is a great post. :lol:

TomMatas3 01-11-2006 07:52 PM

whats better about Beaver Run than Pocono? which is a better course for first timers?

where is beaverun anyway?

CBRBob 01-11-2006 08:08 PM

BeaveRun has nicer pavement and a different layout. It is approx 6hrs from NJ. The downside of Pocono is that the pavement has some bumpy areas (that BeaveR is also getting) due to cars driving on it and that Pocono is in a nascrap facility.

njf4i 01-11-2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by TomMatas3
whats better about Beaver Run than Pocono? which is a better course for first timers?

where is beaverun anyway?

Well Tom i have no track experience to help you pick a track. But alot of the guys say summit or beaver run are the best places to go.

But im gonna do my art basic at Pocono just to get the feel for the whole track experience. Maybe i'll setup my art basic with you.

But don't forget to get the best out of your track run your gonna need one of these on your bike: :lol:

Kurts1000RR 01-11-2006 08:11 PM

Has anyone heard anything about Englishtown building a track?

njf4i 01-11-2006 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kurts1000RR
Has anyone heard anything about Englishtown building a track?

As far as i know the track is for cars only at this point. Plus all the pics and drawings of the track don't make it look bike friendly at all.

I'm just waiting for the new track coming to North Jersey. :evil2:

Kurts1000RR 01-11-2006 08:18 PM

I heard a rumer from a guy that used to work for me that rides the dirt track there regularly. Says they have all but the last turn planned, but the last turn is too close to gates by the parking area for the town to allow it. Of coarse he had a beer in his hand at the time. Who knows.

Kurts1000RR 01-11-2006 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by njf4i

I'm just waiting for the new track coming to North Jersey. :evil2:

Tell me more????:wow:

njf4i 01-11-2006 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kurts1000RR
Tell me more????:wow:

Where's CBRBOB when you need him?

CBRBob 01-11-2006 10:01 PM

There is no course in N. Jersey. There is one thats in the early stages in S. Jersey (Millville). Should be LATE 06 or mid 07.

The E-town track is for go-carts or at the largest, import autocross. TPM rode on it 2 years ago and said NFW!!!!!!!!

Kurts1000RR 01-11-2006 10:05 PM

Figures! Where the hell is Millville? Near AC? I can only imagine my sore ass after riding down to watch.

CBRBob 01-11-2006 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kurts1000RR
Figures! Where the hell is Millville? Near AC? I can only imagine my sore ass after riding down to watch.

Cakes206 01-11-2006 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Kurts1000RR
Tell me more????:wow:

Brought to us by the same people from VIR...can't wait.

Kurts1000RR 01-11-2006 11:20 PM

Eek! What a ride. Why the hell is everything so far away?

ffejtable 01-12-2006 09:41 AM

Honestly Pocono for your first dayisnt that bad.. people were saying how bumpy it is, and while its true, its not THAT bad for your first day.. All I could think about my first day was how much better Pocono was that any street riding I have ever done... After doing several other tracks and then going back to Pocono, I realized how bumpy it really was. Maybe because I was going faster, maybe because I was more on the right line... Not sure, but I wouldnt shy away from Pocono for your first time out...

Ant 01-12-2006 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by ffejtable
Honestly Pocono for your first dayisnt that bad.. people were saying how bumpy it is, and while its true, its not THAT bad for your first day.. All I could think about my first day was how much better Pocono was that any street riding I have ever done... After doing several other tracks and then going back to Pocono, I realized how bumpy it really was. Maybe because I was going faster, maybe because I was more on the right line... Not sure, but I wouldnt shy away from Pocono for your first time out...

Pocono is great for your 1st time. You won't know the difference anyway. You'll just be so excited to be riding on the track you won't care.

carl_g 01-12-2006 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ant
Pocono is great for your 1st time. You won't know the difference anyway. You'll just be so excited to be riding on the track you won't care.

I like pocono east.

tommymac 01-12-2006 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by ism409
I like pocono east.

I though tyo uliked 2 smokes:roflmao:

Besides how bad can pocono be when all the dates are usualy full.


AfricanBootyScratcher 01-12-2006 12:34 PM

Pocono is fine. actually east is great for first timers because it is a good learning track, lots of different types of turns to learn and practice.

Cakes206 01-12-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac
Besides how bad can pocono be when all the dates are usualy full.

It fills up because it's close to alot of people...lot of riders within a 2 hour radious.

tommymac 01-12-2006 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Cakes
It fills up because it's close to alot of people...lot of riders within a 2 hour radious.

Thats the obvious answer but it cant be that bad otherwise no one would go weather its nearby or not.


ffejtable 01-12-2006 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac
Thats the obvious answer but it cant be that bad otherwise no one would go weather its nearby or not.


But it really is that bad... The bumps on that track are in the key bad spots... in half of the turns right where you should be braking and lettig the bike settle to ease into a turn, there are bumps screwing with you. iev been to vir, summit and beaver, and the concrete patches at summit can be annoying, and beaver has some bumps (easily avoided) in one turn, but nothing like pocono.

i know a few people that do ONLY pocono, beacuse to them 2 hours is reasonable, and they dotn know any better if they havent been to a smooth track. some people just cant be taking off entire weekends to go to beaver, vir, cmp, summit, mosport, nelson, etc etc etc... pocono is much closer to many more people than any of those tracks because of its proximity to NYC...

Cakes206 01-12-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac
Thats the obvious answer but it cant be that bad otherwise no one would go weather its nearby or not.


Yea it is...I'm an hour and 15 min from the track and I won't go back. To each their own though...

carl_g 01-12-2006 03:03 PM

As for the bumps you just ride over them.
But I do agree every other track I have been to has been better then pocono. My biggest gripe about the East course is that it is a really skinny track compared to summit or VIR.

soda7o 01-12-2006 03:57 PM

how do i go about starting this track thing...

ffejtable 01-12-2006 04:32 PM

sign up as an associate member for free...

check out the days they have for the ART basic class.... get a bunch of friends together to do it...

read the faq to make suer you have all the right stuff and/or will get it in time...

sign up for the day.... and most importantly, make sure you say one of us referred you (ME! ;) ) so we get some TPM credit! :)

njf4i 01-12-2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by ffejtable

sign up as an associate member for free...

check out the days they have for the ART basic class.... get a bunch of friends together to do it...

read the faq to make suer you have all the right stuff and/or will get it in time...

sign up for the day.... and most importantly, make sure you say one of us referred you (ME! ;) ) so we get some TPM credit! :)

Then take that $100 tpm credit and give him half. He gets $50 off Art Basic and you get $50 towards more TPM. :)

CBRBob 01-12-2006 11:53 PM

There is nothing 'wrong' with Poco East. It is an awesome layout. If you can't deal with some bumps, you need to adjust your suspension.

carl_g 01-13-2006 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by CBRBob
There is nothing 'wrong' with Poco East. It is an awesome layout. If you can't deal with some bumps, you need to adjust your suspension.


AfricanBootyScratcher 01-13-2006 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by CBRBob
There is nothing 'wrong' with Poco East. It is an awesome layout. If you can't deal with some bumps, you need to adjust your suspension.

mine was shipped back to me today!! :woot:

High_Revs_17 01-13-2006 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by soda7o
how do i go about starting this track thing...

First you start by taking the gix & 50 off the market...then you already have a track & pit bike ready to go.

soda7o 01-13-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by njf4i
Then take that $100 tpm credit and give him half. He gets $50 off Art Basic and you get $50 towards more TPM. :)

thats what i am tlaking about

RCM78 01-13-2006 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by CBRBob
There is nothing 'wrong' with Poco East. It is an awesome layout. If you can't deal with some bumps, you need to adjust your suspension.

Absolutely true!!! I like Pocono east alot. Once I have my bike dialed in I can hardly feel the bumps...

Usually I have to remove some compression dampeneing and add some rebound. Little by little till the bike tracks well and doesnt wallow...

simmons5 01-14-2006 02:44 AM

Does anyone know if it is legit if I use my Sports Vue Heads u display on the track ?

CBRBob 01-14-2006 04:07 AM

What is it?

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