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-   -   Camelback Ski in PA Sunday..1/28/07 (

liquiddevil2000 02-01-2007 11:16 AM

aint dat a bitch!!!!
i been meanin to go snowboardin or skiing since the new year and no one wanted to go cuz its not cold enough!!!
and now i missed this event...dam!! :( :nopity:

soda7o 02-06-2007 11:24 AM

bACK FROM cANADA..stupid sea to sky (rt 99) had a rock slide and i was trapped there for an extra day..
anyway illpost up picks of the PA runs by end of the week...
had a fun time.. with you momos

PitsVtec 02-06-2007 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by soda7o (Post 58361)
bACK FROM cANADA..stupid sea to sky (rt 99) had a rock slide and i was trapped there for an extra day..
anyway illpost up picks of the PA runs by end of the week...
had a fun time.. with you momos

Post them now beach!

JasonB 02-06-2007 04:59 PM

DAMM...I missed this. Hope you guys go and my son will come along..

John712 02-06-2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by ginoe (Post 57942)
dunno what my w/e looks like yet but if john is still planning to go - i might like to go again. had a good time last weekend but had to cut it short.

Ginoe, not this saturday but Saturday the 17th a bunch are going again, we just went this past Saturday and had a blast. and were planning a 3 day up in Vermont in Killington, leaving Thursday around 7pm get there by 10pm and snowboard Fri, sat and Sun. i think theres still 2 or 3 spots open for the Condo rental. its $150 a person if your interested.

Marker54 02-06-2007 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by John217 (Post 58382)
and were planning a 3 day up in Vermont in Killington, leaving Thursday around 7pm get there by 10pm and snowboard Fri, sat and Sun. i think theres still 2 or 3 spots open for the Condo rental. its $150 a person if your interested.

$150 is just for the room? What dates?

Is this going to end like when you tried selling me your tail truck? ;)

John712 02-06-2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Marker01 (Post 58383)
$150 is just for the room? What dates?

Is this going to end like when you tried selling me your tail truck? ;)

its just for the room, were trying to fill it up, it holds 10 of us. its going to be the 1st fri - sat and sun in March.

but the tail truck.?

soda7o 02-06-2007 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by John217 (Post 58382)
Ginoe, not this saturday but Saturday the 17th a bunch are going again, we just went this past Saturday and had a blast. and were planning a 3 day up in Vermont in Killington, leaving Thursday around 7pm get there by 10pm and snowboard Fri, sat and Sun. i think theres still 2 or 3 spots open for the Condo rental. its $150 a person if your interested.

snowboarding 3 days in a row on a real mountian is goign to kill you.. i just did 4 out of 6 in Canada and oh boy let me tell you the body starts hurting.. especially after an 8mile blue run or two or 3...

John712 02-06-2007 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by soda7o (Post 58386)
snowboarding 3 days in a row on a real mountian is goign to kill you.. i just did 4 out of 6 in Canada and oh boy let me tell you the body starts hurting.. especially after an 8mile blue run or two or 3...

i hear you on the hurting part, we did it last month, 3 days at Killington although not all the trails werent open but a lot were. we did 1 day, relaxed the 2nd day, went out for breakfast, lunch and dinner came back for a few ping pong games with a few drunkin card games then went out. woke up the 3rd day and went boarding again. felt a lot better but hurt a lot the 4th day on the way home lol

GinoE 02-07-2007 12:26 AM

last sat was good - not icy? i think it was 15°f all day, i was thinking of going but saw the thermometer and crawled back into bed.

1st w/e in march - I'M INTERESTED for the vt w/e!!! you must be f-l-y-i-n-g if you can make killington in 3hrs (takes me about 5). maybe the jager girls will be at pickle barrel again, i can get more winter caps :drink:

i've requested vacation for 3/1 - 3/5. when is kickout - sunday night or monday morning?


Originally Posted by John217 (Post 58382)
Ginoe, not this saturday but Saturday the 17th a bunch are going again, we just went this past Saturday and had a blast. and were planning a 3 day up in Vermont in Killington, leaving Thursday around 7pm get there by 10pm and snowboard Fri, sat and Sun. i think theres still 2 or 3 spots open for the Condo rental. its $150 a person if your interested.

PitsVtec 02-07-2007 01:01 AM

Lazy Ass the pictures....

John712 02-07-2007 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by ginoe (Post 58411)
last sat was good - not icy? i think it was 15°f all day, i was thinking of going but saw the thermometer and crawled back into bed.

1st w/e in march - I'M INTERESTED for the vt w/e!!! you must be f-l-y-i-n-g if you can make killington in 3hrs (takes me about 5). maybe the jager girls will be at pickle barrel again, i can get more winter caps :drink:

i've requested vacation for 3/1 - 3/5. when is kickout - sunday night or monday morning?

last saturday when we left it was about 7 degrees :lol: when we got there it was about 7 1/2 degrees :LOL: but with all the moving around we managed to keep warm, well....... i was able to snag 2 cases of hand warmers from my job, thats a lot of hand warmers, but we put them in every pocket we had, even put them in my skull cap and my helmet held them in place, so we were very warm :lol:

there wasnt to much ice except for 1 part, we were moving pretty good and we reached a deep slops that was nothing but ice, picked up so much speed from it and we all went into the bushes, lucky i had my helmet on because Jasons board hit my head. but other then that it wasnt to bad there.

soda7o 02-07-2007 09:49 PM

pics are up

GinoE 02-07-2007 10:27 PM

lol, that's my 'where's sam adams?!' face...

John712 02-25-2007 11:03 PM

hitting up CamelBack this Saturday if anyone is interested :)

Rev 02-26-2007 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by John217 (Post 60060)
hitting up CamelBack this Saturday if anyone is interested :)

wanna hit up elk mountain or blue mountain?

GinoE 02-26-2007 10:04 AM

they got a 1/2 pipe?
how about a 1/4 pipe?
pack a bowl...

EvilSteve 02-26-2007 02:37 PM

I might be up for this (op). Where's camelback again?

soda7o 02-26-2007 02:39 PM

i was at hunter this weekend and had a rtun in with the half pipe OUCH..
anywho i am always donw for a PA SBA SKI DAY/SNOWBOARD DAY..

EvilSteve 02-26-2007 02:50 PM

Isn't that what the op was about?

John712 02-26-2007 04:07 PM

anything thats not covered in ice lol

Rev 02-26-2007 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by John217 (Post 60167)
anything thats not covered in ice lol

So I guess that rules PA out huh...

Marker54 02-26-2007 05:46 PM

Could be down for something this weekend. Let me know the details.:coffee2:

liquiddevil2000 02-26-2007 07:41 PM

i just went this past weekend to bear creek for some snowboarding and i'm still

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