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tsxguy77 02-16-2007 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by CBRBob (Post 59227)
Yea, so when your tax bill doubles next year don't bitch because we all have to pay in. Thats the mentality that puts asswipes like Corzine in power. Having the govt. run this is just what we DON'T need. It costing riders several times the amt. the going rate and people saying its free. Signing up for welfare anytime soon?

Hey it's no $ out of my pocket, I can't teach enough to keep up with the demand. I just want you to know that the class is in no way free and free does not always = good.

Hey, I sure didnt vote for Corzine. But anyway, All I know is Im not dishing out $250 for the class that is being offered elsewhere so Im happy and nothing you say is gonna bring me down. This class looks to be a good thing.

Soooo......... :moocow:

ffejtable 02-16-2007 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by tsxguy77 (Post 59231)
Hey, I sure didnt vote for Corzine. But anyway, All I know is Im not dishing out $250 for the class that is being offered elsewhere so Im happy and nothing you say is gonna bring me down. This class looks to be a good thing.

Soooo......... :moocow:

Hey I am thrilled you got in, dont get me wrong.. I had actually posted up the details last season for those who could take advantage of it (I already took it by time I knew about it).

I think CBRBobs issue is that its BS to charge an involuntary "tax" on motorcycle riders for a program they don't provide for everybody. Could I have signed up? Perhaps, but ultimately there are people who wont be able to because there are not enough classes for everybody, yet everybody pays for it.

While I do accept and understanding taxing everybody for services that only some people will take advantage of, this is one program that is by far more efficiently run through private organizations. At the very least the gov't could subsidize the program, but thats not without its downfalls, either.

Kennedy 02-16-2007 02:31 AM

Nothing is Free....repeat that a million times over

CBRBob 02-16-2007 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by tsxguy77 (Post 59231)
Im happy and nothing you say is gonna bring me down. This class looks to be a good thing.

Jeez, the word free must be at the top of your list. I have a lot of FREE dog crap in the yard, come get it LOL.

I am not trying to bring you down. I want everyone to understand why the class isn't 'free' and that it should not be. Another reason is that when you invest nothing into the class, there is no motivation. Routinely people that take these classes in 'free' states drop out, don't show because of weather etc. because they have nothing invested in it, no motivation to stick it out and really try. They happily walk away.

The class is a good thing but there are two ways it should not be presented. One is by the govt. the other is by a dealer (aka the riders edge). One dosent care who takes the class, the other just sees participants as walking $$

Xracer264 02-16-2007 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by CBRBob (Post 59236)
Jeez, the word free must be at the top of your list. I have a lot of FREE dog crap in the yard, come get it LOL.

I am not trying to bring you down. I want everyone to understand why the class isn't 'free' and that it should not be. Another reason is that when you invest nothing into the class, there is no motivation. Routinely people that take these classes in 'free' states drop out, don't show because of weather etc. because they have nothing invested in it, no motivation to stick it out and really try. They happily walk away.

The class is a good thing but there are two ways it should not be presented. One is by the govt. the other is by a dealer (aka the riders edge). One dosent care who takes the class, the other just sees participants as walking $$

+1. But reading this post TAXGUY just sees the word "FREE" end of story.

tsxguy77 02-16-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Xracer264 (Post 59237)
+1. But reading this post TAXGUY just sees the word "FREE" end of story.

Oh please, you guys dont know me. And its TSXGUY not taxguy:roflmao:

Its common sense nothing in life is free and you can go eat all the free dog crap you have for all I care. I dont see what the big deal is.

I am just trying to let everyone know about this program before they go dishing out $250 for a course from another place while they are paying for this one on their taxes.

Seems like the cold weather has everyones panties in a bunch around here. I can expect that from guys with Harley's, but seriously people. Lighten up a little and spread the love.

Here, have a drink on me to relax. :drink:

Oh, I just noticed CBRbob AND Xracer... are BOTH instructors for the competition! ha ha, no wonder you are taking this to the extreme. My bad guys, did not mean to take your business away, just trying to look out for my fellow sportbikers, so just leave it at what it is.

CBRBob 02-16-2007 11:15 AM

Being uneducated of the facts makes you see the class is free. Xracer and I know the truth. We spend countless hours making our class better. Volunteering our time to keep the program going, taking weekends off to make the way we teach the class better, taking weekend off from riding to help people learn to ride. You have no idea the time and life we invest to do this. Then to have the govt throw it around like its nothing?

Competition? HAHAHAHAHA! Like we are threatened by the several dozen people that take the free course. Funny how we get dozens of failed participants from them every year saying how much they wished they would have paid the $225 in the first place. Remember, this is a fee we all pay to REDUCE the cost of the class to EVERYONE who takes it. The govt. basically stole the piggybank to give a free class to a few. Dosent make sense, does it. Then again, its the govt running the class.

Like I already said, you are not taking my business away, I cant teach enough to satisfy demand. I wish everyone who wants to ride would take a class like this. The problem is when its 'free', every MOMO and their brother tries to sign up. When it rains they dont show, why? Its raining! Hell why should they get wet? They didnt invest anything to be there. Or they went out partying sat night and woke up with a headache, hell, they will just try and sign up for 'free' again. Those 'free' spots could have been taken by people serious about the class. Paying for it makes for people serious about learning. I am not saying you arent serious about the class at all, thats the reality we see unfortunately.

Oh by the way........

yb929rr 02-16-2007 12:06 PM

sorry to the experinced course worth more than just the discount on insurance??
i'd rather learn something...

sidenote...that picture almost made me fall out of my chair. tooo funny

CBRBob 02-16-2007 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by yb929rr (Post 59257)
is the experinced course worth more than just the discount on insurance??
i'd rather learn something...

If it wasn't I wouldn't teach it. We even get track riders taking the ERC because they never knew or let their street awareness get rusty.

yb929rr 02-16-2007 12:50 PM


tsxguy77 02-16-2007 12:54 PM

Bob, everything you say is biased so its basically irrelevant. Maybe some instructors from Rider Ed do have better classes, but I dont really care.

Im not 10 years old and will not be back in this thread to bicker with you. Just getting the word out for those who cant afford to dish out $250. I like to help others out and thats that. Good luck to you and your class.

CBRBob 02-16-2007 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by tsxguy77 (Post 59263)
Bob, everything you say is biased so its basically irrelevant. Maybe some instructors from Rider Ed do have better classes, but I dont really care.

Im not 10 years old and will not be back in this thread to bicker with you. Just getting the word out for those who cant afford to dish out $250. I like to help others out and thats that. Good luck to you and your class.

What I have to say may be irrelevant to you because the class is 'FREE', but it is 100% VALID to the rest of the world because it's the TRUTH. There is no bickering here, just true statements, not opinion.

As far as the states classes being not as good, I didnt say that, its the same curiculuum. You state you don't care if rider-ed has better classes..... that is the EXACT attitude I was describing. No investment in the class on the participants part.

Look at it this way, if you can't afford the $225 perhaps you cant afford the insurance, the proper parts and maintenance of your machine. This is NOT a cheap thing to do in ANY aspect and should never be treated that way.

Good luck in your class.....

Kennedy 02-16-2007 05:17 PM

When I turned seventeen which wasn't to long ago I didn't even care about getting my drivers license....the only reason I wanted it so bad was so that I could obtain a permit so I can sign up for the Rider Ed class to get my MC License ASAP.

At 17 years old with a part time job I wanted it bad enough to pay the $250 and yes it did rain the days I took the course and yes I loved every minute of it. If you can't dish out the money then you probably shouldn't be riding in the first place. If you had to wait a couple of years because you kept trying to get into the free class because you didn't want to pay the money then again you probably don't really want it as bad as the people who get put on monthly waiting lists who are willing to pay the ridiculous amount of money to learn to ride. Whether it be 250 or 50 I would pay every cent of it again if I had to.

These instructors at the "other" (aka the non "free" ones) courses actually care about keeping you safe and making sure you are properly instructed The states Instructors probably do not give a rats ass whether or not you crash the day after they issue you the license.

Its plain and simple if you fail you cannot ride and they are doing you a huge favor....AKA saving your life.

southjersey636 02-17-2007 11:02 PM

I tried to get into the state program a few years ago but I gave up after trying to get through for 2 days. I then went online and found out about the Rider-Ed class and paid the $225 etc... Im glad to this day I took the class and at the time I wasnt about to wait forever to get into a free class as I wanted my license bad which to this day shows just by the mileage on my bike how much I love to ride.

DubbleRNR 02-18-2007 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kennedy (Post 59279)
These instructors at the "other" (aka the non "free" ones) courses actually care about keeping you safe and making sure you are properly instructed The states Instructors probably do not give a rats ass whether or not you crash the day after they issue you the license.

I hate to get into pissing matches, especially on the web, but I have to jump in here. Please don't make ignorant statements like this. You haven't a clue.

I teach for the state and I also teach for FDU. FDU is a private provider like Rider's Ed. As Bob stated the curriculum is identical no matter where you take the class, private or state.

All Rider Coaches in NJ have to be certified by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF). It's their curriculum we teach. Additionally, we all abide by the same rules of professional conduct in order to stay certified.

As far as student dedication is concerned, I see no difference between the students who take it with the state and those who take it privately. One of the state ranges is in Sea Girt, just a few hundred yards from the ocean. It's quite common to have a deluge on the range and for it to be sunny on the other side of town. We teach in the wind swept rain often at Sea Girt and the students always rise to the challenge.

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