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crashking 07-11-2006 11:21 AM

There is nothing wrong with lane splitting, has helped me get to work the last 5 years on time. One has to do it with caution expecting idiots but I try to follow Cali rules and all seems fine.

It was great leaving Laguna after the GP to see the bikes lane splitting...nice! Also in Europe had it where when the no speed limit section of the 2 lane road came up the cars would move over slighty and the bikes would take off down the middle on the line and when a bike would come the other way you would just squeeze sweet it was.

duc748pilot 07-11-2006 01:47 PM


Marker54 07-11-2006 02:54 PM

Seems like Cali's way of applying "population control"

CBRBob 07-11-2006 03:16 PM

How about not lane splitting.... Besides the fact it's ilegal in all states except Ca., people are dicks about it in the N.E. and they DON'T expect it like they do in Ca. So when you scare the crap out of them doing it, they retaliate somehow.

lu380 07-11-2006 05:16 PM

I lane split only if traffic is stopped at a light, and only at a slow enough speed to stop should someone open their door or decide to block the space between lanes. Nobody seems to mind, especially because this is in North Philly on Broad st, where stunters do wheelies on the double yellows while I'm simply trying to keep my bike (and me) from overheating.

As far as flipping out, I only have one chance in life to REALLY flip out, after that I'm going to jail for a long time. Might as well save it for a more worthwhile occasion.

Jake 07-11-2006 07:16 PM

uh why has noone given the obviously correct answer.. split faster so they don't have a chance to see you in time!

My squidly self loves lanesplitting.. especially when you get those douchebags on two lane roads that are in the left lane and are exactly pacing a car in the right lane which is doing the speed limit.. as if somehow they suddenly became vigilante law enforcers. fuck them!

SAXON117 07-11-2006 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jake
uh why has noone given the obviously correct answer.. split faster so they don't have a chance to see you in time!

My squidly self loves lanesplitting.. especially when you get those douchebags on two lane roads that are in the left lane and are exactly pacing a car in the right lane which is doing the speed limit.. as if somehow they suddenly became vigilante law enforcers. fuck them!

make sure you post up on When Asphlat Cowboys Go Down Like Cheap Whores. When one of those vigilanties run you off

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

ImmaSquashYou 07-11-2006 11:43 PM

I have lane split a lot of times on the parkway after the union toll which is exit 142. There's usually traffic there n not a lot of places for cops to hide. It has gotten me to a final exam and classes on time numerously. I have seen some people move closer the the middle. At that point i just get back into a lane. I contine to lane split between the other lanes.

I understand that they do get pissed off since they are stuck in traffic. But this is what i think, ur sitting there in ur nice cool car with music. I'm sitting there with 200 degrees under my ass sweating like a pig. If i get into an accident, i'll most likely wind up in the hospital, as far as getting into an accident in a car, most likely just have a few muscle pains. The least u can do is not to blocck me when i lane split.

njracer 07-12-2006 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by crashking
There is nothing wrong with lane splitting, has helped me get to work the last 5 years on time. One has to do it with caution expecting idiots but I try to follow Cali rules and all seems fine.

It was great leaving Laguna after the GP to see the bikes lane splitting...nice! Also in Europe had it where when the no speed limit section of the 2 lane road came up the cars would move over slighty and the bikes would take off down the middle on the line and when a bike would come the other way you would just squeeze sweet it was.

There is something wrong with splitting's you not understand that????

BTW - this is NJ, NOT Cali or Europe.....when you get taken out by a cager or get pulled over by da popo for splittin lanes, I hope you don't cry about it on-line......or cry because your Ins just went thru the roof.

crashking 07-12-2006 10:17 AM

first off
I usually dont post my bad behavors but i really dont think its bad. I also keep my bad behavoirs away from crowds and usually im alone (except that time I wheelied on an MSF range with a cast on my hand and the State Chief standing in the distance, but at least the students had their backs to me)

The stretch I do it I have yet to have a that I said that my next post might know. lol. I do it with commuters and it seems to be fine.

Like I said, when I do it I usually try to stay around 10mph above what the traffic is doing. An example of my justification is say a merge where eveyone os coming together, if there was room for another lane, marked or not cars fill that space, so if my bike fits, so be it.

And because its illegal...i guess you never go over the speed limit, etc.

The risk..I know it and realize if Im lane splitting and down the road if I get taken out while doing nothing illegal, someone will stop and say I was splitting and I will look bad but thats the risk.

Vin 07-12-2006 12:56 PM

When I'm riding to work in Manhattan and there's INSANE traffic leading to the tunnels, I split. I do it as safely and courteously as possible.

I'm doing something illegal, and if someone in a CAR (not cage -- wtf is with that word) gets pissed and tries to do something stupid, guess what -- I deserved it.


What should be done when this happens? I was thinking about kickin the shit out of his door or something.
How do u guys feel about it?
"Shut up and deal with your/my actions" is my mentality. Sorry to say, but that's my opinion. You split, you're doing something illegal (while it may be right in your eyes), and someone decided to be a vigiliante bitch and made a stupid move. Be happy you didn't crash and move on.

Oh, and these "vigilantes" on the bike and car side are a bunch of whiney assholes. People who preach "Kick a mirror in" or "the driver should run the biker over" need to have those actions done to themselves. :jerkit:

gottaducati 07-12-2006 01:25 PM

lane splitting is illegal?

Vin 07-12-2006 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by gottaducati
lane splitting is illegal?


Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is a driving maneuver commonly practiced by motorcycle riders to move between lanes of slow moving or stopped cars on congested roads.

Lane splitting is only legal in California. The California Highway Patrol says, “Lane splitting by motorcycles is permissible but must be done in a safe and prudent manner.” California lacks specific guidelines as to what is a safe and prudent manner. Two factors used to determine whether squeezing past traffic was done in a safe and prudent manner are the speed of the motorcycle and the speed of the surrounding traffic.

Lane sharing on the other hand, where two motorcycles occupy the same lane, is legal in a majority of states.

Ant 07-12-2006 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Vin
When I'm riding to work in Manhattan and there's INSANE traffic leading to the tunnels, I split. I do it as safely and courteously as possible.

I'm doing something illegal, and if someone in a CAR (not cage -- wtf is with that word) gets pissed and tries to do something stupid, guess what -- I deserved it.

"Shut up and deal with your/my actions" is my mentality. Sorry to say, but that's my opinion. You split, you're doing something illegal (while it may be right in your eyes), and someone decided to be a vigiliante bitch and made a stupid move. Be happy you didn't crash and move on.

Oh, and these "vigilantes" on the bike and car side are a bunch of whiney assholes. People who preach "Kick a mirror in" or "the driver should run the biker over" need to have those actions done to themselves. :jerkit:

+1, thank god, the voice of reason. Vinny has spoken and so it shall be.

gottaducati 07-12-2006 01:35 PM

why is it cool in california but not in NJ? - oh i forgot, NJ sux

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